Case Information
ATTENTION: If you need help with a deportation related issue, please complete this form, but also have the the detainee/deportation proceedings respondent or their lawyer complete our office's Deportation Case Privacy Release Form. See note at the top of this form for clarification.
ATENCIÓN: Si necesita ayuda con un asunto relacionado con la deportación, completa este formulario, pero también pida al demandado del detenido/procedimiento de deportación o a su abogado que completa el Formulario de divulgación de privacidad del caso de deportación de nuestra oficina. Consulte la nota en la parte superior de este formulario para obtener una aclaración.
Please fill out the following information so our office can submit an SF180 form on your behalf.
Please note that by signing this form you certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the above information entered above is true and correct and authorize the release of the requested information.
Beneficiary Information
*Please include detainee/deportation proceedings respondent information here if applicable.
Other Immigration Information
Please attach any files relevant to your case here. All attachments must be submitted in a PDF format.
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that 1) I provided or authorized all of the information in this privacy release and any document submitted with it; 2) I reviewed and understand all of the information contained in my privacy release submitted with it; and 3) all of this information is complete, true, and correct. I hereby authorize the office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar to access my records and act on my behalf with any and all agencies necessary to resolve the matters listed above.