Sen. Rick Scott: Communist China Must be Held Accountable for Withholding Life-Saving Data from the World

June 2, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following reports that Communist China delayed the release of the genetic map, or genome, of the coronavirus, stalling the recognition of its spread to other countries, as well as with the global development of tests, drugs and vaccines. The report also details Communist China’s refusal to release detailed patient data that could have helped save thousands of lives, and the ongoing failure of the World Health Organization (WHO) to obtain information from China.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Now we know for sure that Communist China hid critical data that could have altered the global response to the pandemic. Communist China was more concerned with their global image than with saving lives. And instead of exposing Communist China’s deceit to the global community, the World Health Organization praised their response and was complicit in China’s cover-up.

“The WHO clearly is not qualified to handle a worldwide health crisis, which is why I’m leading an investigation into their failures that led to the spread of the coronavirus. The President was right to cut funding to the WHO, and now the U.S. must take steps to hold Communist China accountable for the spread of the virus. We also know Communist China is actively trying to steal or sabotage American efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine, which is why I introduced a bill to make sure that doesn’t happen. We must all remain vigilant of this Communist nation that refuses to be an honest partner.”

