Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Failure to Call Israeli PM Netanyahu is Unacceptable

February 12, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following disturbing reports that President Biden has yet to call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Senator Rick Scott said, “President Biden’s failure to call Prime Minister Netanyahu is unacceptable and sends a deeply troubling message on the priorities of the United States under his Administration. It is unconscionable that Biden would restore aid to the Palestinians, who openly support terrorism, wage war against Israel and do not recognize its existence, before having a discussion with Israel’s prime minister. President Biden must apologize for this grave mistake and immediately make clear his commitment to uphold the longstanding and special partnership between the United States and Israel.

“Israel is our partner in every sense of the word and one of America’s most valued allies. In the Middle East, Israel shines as a beacon of democracy and for decades the United States has proudly supported and defended our great ally against our adversaries. As both Governor and Florida’s U.S. Senator, I have travelled to Israel several times and met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli leaders. Israel is an important partner in trade and we have no greater ally than Israel in our efforts to ensure peace in the Middle East, and around the world. It is unbelievable that President Biden would call Communist China’s General Secretary Xi, a dictator and adversary, before connecting with our ally, Israel. The call should happen today.”
