Friday’s letters: hurricane season, airport security, pollution, more

Staff Writer
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Mark Stasik of Sarasota, buys sheets of plywood to board up his windows before Hurricane Dorian strikes in September 2019. [HERALD-TRIBUNE ARCHIVE]

While stuck at home, prepare for hurricanes

As Floridians, we know better than anyone that preparedness saves lives. Complacency is the enemy. As we continue to do everything we can to stop the spread of the coronavirus so we can get back to our everyday lives, we must also prepare for what lies ahead.

The 2020 hurricane season is quickly approaching, and preparing for a storm this year might look a little different. You’re probably asking questions like: How can I evacuate if I’m socially distancing? What would a hurricane shelter look like if we’re avoiding crowds? How do I build a disaster preparedness kit for my family if I can’t go to the store?

Federal, state and local officials are going to have to address how to keep families safe while adhering to coronavirus guidelines from the CDC. Floridians are going to have to get creative.

And the time to start thinking about this is now.

To the extent that your family is financially able to, consider purchasing supplies for your disaster supply kits online. That includes food, water, flashlights, batteries and other necessities.

Every family and business needs to make or revisit their emergency plans. For help, visit www.ready.gov.

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, Washington, D.C.

Airport security still up close, personal

Wonder why so many are afraid to fly? The Transportation Security Administration is not practicing social distancing.

Who wants to stand in line in such close quarters when there is such a virulent virus prevalent? Or why must someone (like a very vulnerable senior) with medical instrumentation in her body need to be face-to-face body-wanded/patted down?

The scanner should be able to see the medical implants.

The airlines are doing their best to keep the planes clean and virus free. Shouldn’t the TSA do its part?

The Fort Myers airport has had published instances of TSA employees with COVID-19 exposure. Don’t you think they could alter their rules a bit for the traveling public?

Many are scared to fly. Don’t put all the blame on the airlines.

Eleanor Durno, Boca Grande

Stressed students need love and acceptance

Ever since the Parkland shooting, students have been very stressed — whether it is about school or their social and emotional lives. This pandemic should strengthen our resolve as educators to show them that although education is crucial to their future success, they are important emotionally and socially as well.

There is nothing wrong with teaching with a (virtual) hug. This was my mantra for over 40 years — from elementary students to high-schoolers. Even college students need to know that they are important for who they are. Knowledge will increase as their feeling of self-worth and having value in a community evolves.

Our kids have gone through a lot these last few years. Let’s show them our strength through love and acceptance!

Vera McClaugherty, retired teacher, Sarasota Military Academy

President spurs states to plan reopening

Kudos to you, President Trump. By stating in your tweet that you have "total authority" to open the USA, you put into action just what you wanted to happen!

Governors are taking action, getting together with other states to discuss how to start reopening their states.

You have not changed your view or mind. You do respect our Constitution. You, sir, have encouraged these governors to take on the responsibility of opening up their states.

Thank you for loving this great nation.

Linda Roessiger, Nokomis

In November, remember pollution deregulation

As we approach the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Trump administration is using the cover of the pandemic to allow polluters to pollute more by rolling back regulations. What kind of person would do this to his own people merely to facilitate more profits for his polluting benefactors?

Deaths in the U.S. from air pollution alone already are equal to the upper limits of projected U.S. deaths from the coronavirus — 100,000 to 200,000 — and that is every year.

To make matters worse, those suffering health problems from polluted air are more vulnerable to the virus.

Only one party has consistently favored environmental protection since the first Earth Day, and it is not the one currently in control in the White House. Remember in November!

Peter Burkard, Sarasota

Applaud those working behind the scenes

I applaud all first responders, military personnel and other first-line virus defenders.

There are also those who seldom get mentioned and I address this to them:

The North Port Herald-Tribune delivery person who is always there in the worst of times.

The Comcast crews who are dealing with tremendous system overloads.

The garbage and recycling crews, ArtisTree landscaping and irrigation crews who keep our community in great condition.

Thank you and be safe.

Norm Kipnis, North Port