Sen. Rick Scott: America Will Never Reward Terror by Recognizing a Palestinian State

February 1, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, Senator Rick Scott released a statement slamming the Biden administration for its disgusting policy shift and consideration of supporting a Palestinian state following Hamas’ brutal October 7th assault against Israel. The atrocities committed by Iran-backed Palestinian terrorists during their October 7th attack, and their ongoing war in Israel, have killed more than 1,200 innocent people, and at least 33 Americans. Hundreds more, including Americans, have been taken hostage. This attack has also sparked more than 140 attacks against U.S. troops within the region.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Less than four months ago, Iran-backed Palestinian terrorists slaughtered more than 1,200 Israeli men, women and children and today President Biden wants to reward those terrorists with a country of their very own. These terrorists beheaded children and babies, raped girls and burned innocent civilians alive. Biden's plan is like giving a gift to Osama bin Laden four months after 9/11.


“Maybe Biden wants to appease the dangerous element in his political coalition that hates Israel. Or maybe his declining mental condition blinds him to the recklessness of his actions. Regardless, I will insist on restrictions in the upcoming government funding bills that prohibit any recognition of any kind of Palestinian state. America will not reward terror.”

