Statement from Sen. Rick Scott on the Passing of Ambassador Mel Sembler

October 31, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the passing of Ambassador Mel Sembler.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Ann and I are devastated to learn of the passing of our dear friend, Mel Sembler, who is now reunited with the love of his life, Betty, who we lost last year. I was just with Mel on his birthday earlier this year. As always, he was a beam of positivity and I am so grateful for the time we spent together that day and on countless occasions over the many years of our friendship. Mel was a once in a generation leader, and we need more Americans like him. He lived the American Dream, building a business from the ground up and showing what is truly possible in our great nation when you work hard and pour your heart into everything you do. But Mel wasn’t just a businessman, he believed in building a better America. If something mattered to Mel, he made sure you knew about it and he showed you its importance by dedicating all of his time and energy into the causes he believed in. He spent decades of his life fighting to support Israel and America’s Jewish communities. He was the voice for Israel that we need now more than ever. He also fought tirelessly to keep drugs off our streets and keep our families safe. While advancing these causes and countless others, he served our nation as U.S. Ambassador to Italy and U.S. Ambassador to Australia and Nauru working with three presidential administrations to advance the interests of the United States around the world. It is impossible to capture all the good that Mel did for Florida and the United States, but I know this: Florida and America are better today because of Mel Sembler. His hard work has had a positive impact on countless Americans and his legacy will be felt in Florida and across our country for generations to come. We join all who knew and loved Mel in praying for his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as they mourn the loss and celebrate the incredible life of this great Floridian and American.”

