August 10, 2020

Van Hollen: Trump’s Executive Actions are “Inadequate and Unworkable”; Americans Need Real Relief Now

On Senate Floor, Van Hollen Details Problems with Executive Actions, Urges Republicans to Come to the Table

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) spoke on the Senate floor, where he exposed how the President’s recent executive actions were “more show than substance” and criticized Majority Leader McConnell’s irresponsible decision to send Senators back to their home states without reaching an agreement on another COVID-19 relief package. Senator Van Hollen emphasized that McConnell’s instruction for the Senate to be on “standby” is unacceptable – since neither the coronavirus nor the economic pain are on standby but rather, spreading throughout the country. Noting McConnell’s comments that almost half of Republican Senators are not in support of any further relief for the American people, Van Hollen pressed Republican senators to recognize the emergency the country is facing – highlighting letters from unemployed Marylanders who desperately need continued federal relief. The Senator also detailed the shortcomings and problems with President Trump’s executive actions, outlining their empty promises and toothlessness. He called on Republicans to treat this pandemic as a national effort and pointed to critical needs that were neglected by both President Trump and Senate Republicans – including federal aid for state and local governments, necessary funds for testing, and increased nutrition assistance for hungry families.

Video of the Senator’s speech is available here.