U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Of Florida

Florida Sen. Scott Slams Senate’s So-Called Immigration Deal, Lawless Open-Border Agenda

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Of Florida
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Of Florida (FIle)

Florida Sen. Rick Scott on Saturday slammed President Joe Biden and those in the Senate, including his fellow Republicans, who seek to green-light a deal on illegal immigration that would make federal law out of the administration’s disastrous open-border policy.

In an email to constituents, the Florida Republican argued that if this is the deal liberals want, it would be better to shut down the border.

“Since Joe Biden became president, we’ve seen the situation at our southern border devolve into an out-of-control crisis,” Scott said.

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“Let’s remember that President [Donald] Trump secured our border with the SAME laws that Biden has now. We don’t need new laws. We need a new administration,” he continued.

“We are dealing with a lawless administration and a lawless president.”

Scott said “the brave men and women protecting our borders are doing the best they can,” but “it’s impossible to secure the border when DHS [Department of Homeland Security] Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is carrying out Biden’s lawless border policies that deprive border patrol of resources and prohibit them from doing their jobs.”

Scott further noted that for months leaders in the Senate have maintained that they were negotiating a deal that would “finally secure our southern border and keep our communities safe.”

Specifics of that plan came to light earlier this month.

The key provision included capping illegal entries at 5,000 a day, or 1.8 million a year, without any increased mechanism for enforcement or deportations.

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“From what I have seen so far, this so-called ‘border deal’ just codifies into law Biden’s open-border agenda and makes it near impossible for the next president to secure the border and stop illegal immigration,” Scott said.

“I won’t let that happen.”

Scott noted how Biden is “so committed to having an open border” that he is currently fighting the state of Texas to cut down razor wire the state installed to open a literal path for more illegal entries.

“That is what we are dealing with here,” Scott added.

But while Biden refuses to enforce laws on one side, Scott noted, GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he won’t “include any metrics or accountability that force a reduction in illegal crossings.”

“That’s unacceptable. If we don’t have that, any supposed border bill is a non-starter,” said Scott.

He pointed out that earlier this week, Scott joined GOP Sens. Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, Eric Schmitt and Roger Marshall in publicly demanding tougher border security before lending support to any deal.

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“If Biden and Democrats get policies that allow first-come, first-serve entry into the United States to the first 5,000 people every day before any real border security laws kick in, that is a TOTAL FAILURE,” Scott said in his email.

“That is 1.8 million illegal immigrants allowed in every year. If just 1% of those are bad people—like murderers, terrorists, human traffickers, or drug smugglers—that means we are letting 50 people in every day who want to hurt Americans.”

“I won’t accept that. We need to see this bill, have real amendment votes, and actually SECURE THE BORDER,” Scott concluded.

“If Biden and the Democrats refuse to do that, we need to SHUT THE BORDER DOWN.”

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