Dear Friend,
The Signing Ceremony for Bipartisan Public Lands Package
I had the privilege of attending the signing ceremony for the Natural Resources Management Act, the Lands Package that includes permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). After working on this issue for four years, LWCF has finally been permanently reauthorized. I have continued to champion this crown jewel of conservation programs throughout my time in the Senate because of how important it is to all Coloradans who love our great outdoors. The program directly impacts the public lands in Colorado and will be used to protect our state’s natural beauty for future generations.
Gardner-authored bills included in the package:
Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act
Bolts Ditch Access and Use Act
To update the map of, and modify the maximum acreage available for inclusion in, the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument
Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Extension Act
Amache Study Act
Other bills in package Gardner was an original cosponsor of:
Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment Act of 2017
Fowler and Boskoff Peaks Designation Act
Pike National Historic Trail Study Act
Wildfire Management Technology Advancement Act of 2017
Improving the VA Hiring Process
I introduced bipartisan, bicameral legislation recently to address staffing shortages at VA facilities in Colorado and nationwide. In order to reduce wait times and provide timely care to our veterans, we must address the root of the problem at many VA facilities in Colorado and across the country: staffing shortages. When it comes to the VA hiring process, we cannot let government bureaucracy and red tape stand in the way.
Learn more from FOX 21 here.
Urging Department of Defense to Headquarter U.S. Space Command in Colorado
Last week the entire Colorado Congressional Delegation and Governor Jared Polis came together to insist on using Colorado's existing space missions and assets to reestablish the U.S. Space Command and make Colorado it's headquarters. Our state's emerging role in space makes it the ideal location for a command center. We wrote a letter to the acting Secretary of Defense to tout our state's crucial role in the aerospace industry, which makes our existing space efforts ideal for the reestablishment of the U.S. Space Command Center.
The Native American Indian Education Act
I recently joined Senator Bennet and Representatives DeGette and Tipton in introducing the Native American Indian Education Act. The bill would provide relief to state education budgets and protect tuition-free higher education for Native Americans by updating the tuition waiver program to reflect the current reality of educational costs and make the federal-state arrangement as equitable as possible.The Native American Indian Education Act ensures that the federal government continues to live up to its commitment and extends much-needed budgetary relief to states like Colorado.
Yucca House National Monument
Congressman Scott Tipton and I recently introduced legislation to protect archaeological sites by allowing the National Park Service to change the boundary of the Yucca House National Monument. This monument in southwest Colorado is one of the most well-preserved ancient dwellings in the country. Protecting Colorado's public lands for our future generations is one of my top priorities, and I'm excited this bill will provide additional safeguards for Yucca House National Monument.
North Korean Cyberattacks
I sent a letter last week to Secretary of State Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin asking for a response from the administration on reports that hackers associated with the North Korean regime conducted cyberattacks on both U.S. and European targets. Such actions by North Korea are unacceptable and could cause serious damage to our country. In addition to addressing North Korea's cybersecurity violations, we urged them to maintain focus on other reported violations, including illicit ship to shit transfer of prohibited goods, financial transactions on behalf of the North Korean regime, and Pyongyang's continued human rights abuses.
Read the letter here.
Meeting with Coloradans in Washington
I met with constituents from across Colorado to discuss a variety of issues, including federal lands, ways to improve infrastructure and mobility in Colorado, PILT/SRS programs, broadband deployment, and more. I visited with county commissioners, local elected officials at NACO, veterans, and eighth graders from the Mackintosh Academy in Boulder.
Below are a few pictures from my meetings.
Need Help with a Federal Agency?
My staff is available to assist you with finding out the status of a case and requesting additional information from a federal agency. I have offices in Denver, Durango, Pueblo, Grand Junction, Fort Collins, Greeley, Yuma, and Colorado Springs. Learn more about how we can help here.
Thank you for taking the time to read my weekly update. If I can be of any assistance to you, please contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-5941.

Cory Gardner
United States Senator