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Dear Friend,

Someone recently asked me if my family had a holiday tradition. In fact, like most families, we have many. So, for my first Christmas serving as your U.S. Senator, I thought I’d share a few of ours. 

We try to go caroling in the neighborhood a few days before Christmas. I may not have the perfect pitch, but my girls are all great singers and our neighbors are very patient. We’ve learned to keep it short, but we always sing “Silent Night” from our hearts.

I always take the girls out to buy something for Julie, who is hard to shop for because she’s the least materialistic person I’ve ever met. But we always find something special, and the girls are always so excited to wrap her present and put it under the tree, alongside books and peanut M&Ms for me - my favorite gifts.  

A Video Message from Senator Sullivan

Click the image above to view a Christmas video message from Senator Sullivan

On Christmas Eve, we blend traditions from my childhood, where for decades my family has eaten “Lobster Newburg,” one of the most special meals of the year. So naturally I began to carry on that tradition when Julie and I were married and moved to Alaska.  Decorating the Office Christmas Tree

Now we call it “Alaska Seafood Newburg” using Alaskan shrimp, king crab, and scallops - sharing our meal with dear family and friends who jokingly call it the “3000-calorie Christmas Eve dinner.” As you can see from the recipe below, this is a deliciously rich meal that we enjoy only once a year.   

Then, full of seafood and cream and butter, we usually head out to midnight Mass, which was a tradition from Julie’s childhood in Fairbanks. It brings back memories of the Northern Lights and the North Star shining so brightly on the way to Mass, reminding us of another star that so long ago poor shepherds, kings and wise men followed to greet the newborn Prince of Peace.  

And like so many of you on Christmas Eve, we say prayers for those who are without homes, without places to sleep, and who have fallen on hard times. We say prayers for our men and women in uniform who aren’t home for Christmas. We say prayers for all who aren’t as blessed as we are. And we say prayers for peace in the world. The Capitol Christmas Tree

We also say prayers for all of you.  

Merry Christmas, Alaska. To serve you is truly an honor beyond measure.  

As always, stay in touch. You’ll be hearing from me again soon as we head into the New Year. Until then, let us know if there’s anything we can do for you.  


Alaska Seafood Newburg Recipe

2/3 cup butter
6 T flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups light cream
4 beaten egg yolks
3 cups cooked seafood -- shrimp, scallops, King crab or lobster
1/2 cup dry sherry
4 tsp lemon juice
Paprika to tastePalmer Pioneers and Veterans Home

Melt butter in skillet. Blend in flour and salt. Remove from heat and gradually stir in cream. Return to heat and cook slowly, stirring constantly until sauce thickens.

Stir small amount of sauce into egg yolk and then add this mixture back into the sauce on the stove. Continue stirring and cook until thick.

Add seafood and dry sherry, then lemon juice, salt and paprika.  Serve over rice or toast.  Serves 8.




Operation Santa Claus - St. Mary's Alaska



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