

Oct. 10 - Oct. 18, 2019


As the situation in Syria continues to devolve, Senator Romney delivered remarks on the Senate floor expressing concerns about the serious impact on America’s security interests and our Kurdish allies. Scroll down for video of his remarks. This week, the Senator also continued his advocacy for rural Utah, led a discussion with state health experts about anti-vaping efforts, and discussed potential proposals to compensate college athletes.


Senator Romney, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the subcommittee that deals with the Middle East, delivered remarks on the Senate floor regarding the harmful impact of the Administration’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria. The Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on the matter next week.

“There are broad strategic implications of our decision as well. Iranian and Russian interests in the Middle East have been advanced by our decision. At a time when we are applying maximum pressure on Iran, by giving them a stronger hand in Syria, we have actually weakened that pressure. Russia’s objective to play a greater role in the Middle East has also been greatly enhanced. The Kurds out of desperation have now aligned with Assad. So America is diminished. Russia, Iran, and Assad are strengthened. And so I ask how and why this decision was reached?”

The Senator's remarks can be viewed below.



Senator Romney met with ESPN analyst and former Duke basketball player Jay Bilas, as well as Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC), the NFL Players Association, and former college athletes to discuss potential proposals regarding the compensation of college athletes.



Senator Romney hosted a roundtable discussion at Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City with local officials and health experts to receive an update on anti-vaping efforts in Utah, discuss legislative efforts, and solicit recommendations for further potential action at the federal level.



Full story by Glen Mills here.


With two-thirds of Utah held as tax-exempt public land, the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program helps to fund local services including road and bridge maintenance, law enforcement, and emergency medical, in many of Utah’s rural counties. The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (SRS) program provides funding for schools and infrastructure in rural counties throughout Utah. Senator Romney this week co-sponsored two pieces of legislation introduced by a bipartisan group of Western senators that would provide long-term financial security for rural counties by reauthorizing the PILT and SRS programs.



David B. Barlow of South Jordan, nominee to serve as United States District Judge for the District of Utah, was successfully reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. His nomination now heads to the full Senate. Senators Romney and Lee released the following statement: “We have full confidence that David will serve Utah and the country with honor and integrity, faithfully applying the law and our Constitution to all matters and parties that come before him. We urge our colleagues to enthusiastically support his confirmation when he comes before the Senate for a vote.” In July, the senators introduced Barlow at his nomination hearing before the Judiciary Committee.


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