
This is a trying time for Americans. For the past several months, we have been battling a global pandemic, the likes of which we have not seen in my lifetime. Due to COVID-19, more than 100,000 American lives have been lost, our economy has essentially been shuttered, and we’ve been isolating in our homes.

Our country has been further shaken by the senseless murder of George Floyd—a violent act that shocked and sickened us. No one in this country should fear harm from those sworn to protect us. Our shock and outrage must grow into collective determination to extinguish forever such racist abuse.

The death of George Floyd has sparked nationwide conversations—necessary and uncomfortable conversations—about systemic racism and the urgent challenges it poses for our fellow Americans.

As citizens of a nation founded on the principle of human equality, we must categorically and consistently reject racism and discrimination. We must refuse to allow our estimation of others to be based upon their ethnicity rather than upon their qualities as individuals.

I have deep respect for those who have protested, who have demanded that we must address racism and brutality. Peaceful protests underscore the urgency of addressing injustices. I believe we can keep our communities safe and begin to rebuild trust in each other if we act with morality and kindness. Our elected leaders at every level have a responsibility to set the tone and help our country face its flaws and heal.

During protests this week in Utah, many local law enforcement officers worked around the clock to keep the Salt Lake City community and demonstrators safe—sometimes in volatile situations. Utah’s men and women in uniform put their lives on the line each and every day, and tragically, we were just reminded of that with the loss of Ogden Police Officer Nathan Lyday in the line of duty. We should continue to support Utah’s law enforcement officers during this difficult time as they mourn one of their own.

It is impossible for America to achieve and sustain high growth, economic superiority, and global leadership if our citizenry is divided, disengaged, and angry. But more than this, we must foster equality if we are to remain a great and good nation.

We are all children of God, equal in His eyes. And I am committed to continuing to listen and to learn from Utahns about the changes we must make together to ensure the full promise of America for all its people.

All the best,


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