

May 10 - May 14, 2021

This week, Senator Romney continued efforts to defend Utahns' rights to make decisions regarding their own land—introducing legislation to defend nearly one million acres in Emery County designated for multiple use. He went toe-to-toe with the Homeland Security Secretary over the Administration's refusal to acknowledge the crisis at our southern border and wrote an op-ed warning that the U.S. cannot continue to ignore China's assent and horrific practices. Senator Romney also met with several groups of Utahns, including a group of Utah franchise business owners, the President of Western Governors University, USANA Health Sciences representatives, and members of the Utah Association of Counties. Keep scrolling for a brief recap:


At a committee hearing this week on the Department of Homeland Security's response to the surge in unaccompanied minors crossing our border, Senator Romney questioned DHS Secretary Mayorkas about the crisis at our southern border and the U.S. E-Verify system. After Secretary Mayorkas repeatedly dismissed and refused to acknowledge problems with the Administration’s handling of the crisis, Senator Romney asserted: "What I find astonishing…is that we have the Secretary responsible for securing our border and our immigration system, who doesn’t recognize these charts as being a problem. And there are human beings behind these numbers. And is not saying, ‘Hey we’ve got to make some changes immediately.’ I find that extraordinary and extremely damning."



Full story by Dennis Romboy here.


The U.S. is at risk of consequences both dire and preventable due to China's quest to become the world's superpower, our crippling national debt, and climate change. Senator Romney wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post warning against ignoring these critical issues and calling for a swift response to these challenges.


Full opinion by Senator Romney here.


Senators in the East shouldn’t be telling people in the West what to do with our land. Senator Romney teamed up with Representative Curtis (R-UT) to introduce the Shawnee Wilderness Area Designation Act of 2021, legislation to lock up 289,000 acres of land in Illinois and make it part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. The bill is in response to legislation introduced by Senator Durbin (D-IL) that betrays an agreement to designate nearly one million acres in Emery County for multiple use, which was made as part of the public lands package signed into law in 2019. “If wilderness is so important to Senator Durbin, he doesn’t need to go all the way to Utah to designate it. So long as Senator Durbin continues to introduce his bill, we will continue to introduce ours,” said Senator Romney.


Full story by Paul Nelson here.


Families are having fewer kids, partly because raising kids is expensive. The U.S. birthrate is now at an all-time low, which is problematic because an aging society will have detrimental impacts for generations. Senator Romney's Family Security Act would give American families a healthier financial starting point through a monthly cash benefit, while eliminating penalties for marriage and stay-at-home parents.


Full opinion by Senator Romney here.


During National Police Week, Senator Romney thanked Utah's men and women in law enforcement for their service and sacrifice to ensure Utahns and our communities are safe. He also honored the memory of Ogden Police Officer Nate Lyday, who was tragically killed in the line of duty this past year.



Inspectors general root out waste, fraud, and abuse in federal programs. The lack of Senate-confirmed IGs threatens the ability of these offices to conduct the oversight and investigations necessary to ensure proper use of taxpayer money. Senator Romney joined his Homeland Security Committee colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden urging him to swiftly fill IG vacancies.


Full story by Austin Facer here.


Senator Romney met with Utah State University Athletic Director John Hartwell. The two discussed the need to reach a legislative solution on student athlete compensation to ensure athletes at schools across the country are on a level playing field.


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