

May 17 - May 21, 2021

This week, Senator Romney continued efforts to advocate for policies that would help Utah families in need. During a Senate Health Committee hearing, Senator Romney made the case that his Family Security Act—a monthly cash benefit to help parents raise kids as they see fit—is more inclusive than the Administration's plan for a government-approved childcare benefit that would penalize stay-at-home-parents. He also urged the Administration to swiftly begin sending U.S. COVID-19 vaccines—which are safe and effective—to countries in desperate need. Currently, countries like China are using less effective vaccines to increase their geopolitical power. Keep scrolling for a brief recap:


Washington shouldn’t tell parents how to raise their kids. During a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing, Senator Romney voiced his disagreement with the Democrats' witness who claimed that children raised by a stay-at-home parents are disadvantaged, saying: "This runs contrary to the beliefs of many parents and my personal experience." The witness's assertion aligns with the Administration’s recent proposal of $500 billion for government-approved daycare, a proposal that also penalizes stay-at-home parents. Instead, Senator Romney's Family Security Act modernizes antiquated federal policies into a monthly cash benefit that helps parents raise kids as they see fit.



Full story by Dennis Romboy here.



COVID-19 has awoken many countries to the increasing threat China poses. China has ambitions of becoming the global superpower, and the Chinese Communist Party is using its vaccine to increase its geopolitical power. During a forum with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Senator Romney asserted that the U.S. must take on a global leadership role, especially when it comes to helping other countries fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and continue to link arms with allies to persuade China from pursuing its current course.



In a blatant race for geopolitical advantage, China and Russia are outpacing the U.S. on delivering COVID-19 vaccines and PPE to countries across that are in desperate need. Senator Romney sent a letter to Secretary of State Blinken urging the Administration to quickly move beyond the planning stage to the implementation stage of global vaccine distribution. U.S. vaccines are far safer and more effective than those from China. "The U.S. public and private sector efforts to develop COVID vaccines is one of the great scientific successes of the past decades," said Senator Romney. "Facilitating vaccine access to other countries will also increase the resiliency of our neighbors, allies, and partners, which is in our national security interests."


Full story by Matt Canham here.


Senator Romney and Senator Lee sat down for a joint interview with KUTV to discuss efforts to push Utah priorities forward in Washington—priorities like addressing the national debt, finding a permanent legislative solution to the boundaries for Utah's national monuments, and a compromise on improving our nation's infrastructure. The full interview can be viewed below:



We must do more to provide access to treatment for those who want to escape opioid abuse and addiction. Senator Romney teamed up with Senator Manchin (D-WV) to introduce bipartisan legislation help fund treatment facilities around the country and offer support for those who seek treatment for addiction. The Life Budgeting for Opioid Addiction Treatment (LifeBOAT) Act, would bolster the significant work Utah has done to combat the opioid epidemic by helping to fund our state’s treatment and recovery support services.


Senator Romney met virtually with several groups of Utahns this week, including this group of students from Provo who are competing in the U.S. Department of Energy's National Science Bowl.


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