

June 7 - June 11, 2021

This week, the Senate passed a legislative package aimed at ensuring that the U.S. remains competitive with China. Eight of Senator Romney's amendments, including legislation to require a U.S. diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympic Games, were included in the final package. Senator Romney also helped lead efforts to find a bipartisan solution on an infrastructure package, working with a group of nine other senators to reach a compromise. Members of the group have reached an initial agreement to modernize our nation’s infrastructure and energy technologies. This investment would be fully paid for and not include tax increases. Discussions are ongoing with colleagues and the White House, and the Senator remains hopeful that this plan can garner broad support from both parties.

Senator Romney also met with groups of Utahns, including the Utah Nurse Association and participants of the Gail Miller Leadership Group. Keep scrolling for a brief recap of Senator Romney's week:


Decisions regarding the boundaries and management of Utah’s national monuments must be made collaboratively with state, local, and tribal leaders—not through unilateral executive action. Upon learning that Interior Secretary Haaland submitted her recommendations on Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, Senator Romney and the Utah congressional delegation sent a letter to President Biden requesting that he meet with them before making a final decision and requested that Secretary Haaland’s full report be made available to Congress. “We appreciate your cooperation and willingness to engage thus far, and we again urge your administration to work with us to craft collaborative, consensus legislation that reflects the input of the people most directly impacted,” the delegation said. “It is past time to end the political back-and-forth that the communities in our state have been subjected to for more than 25 years.”


Full story by Matt Canham here.


Traffic congestion has increasingly become a problem which needs addressing in Utah’s cities and in many metropolitan areas around our country. Senator Romney led a group of colleagues in introducing the Smart Intersections Act, legislation which would reduce traffic congestion and improve the safety and effectiveness of our roads. The bill would also reduce fuel costs and air pollution. Senator Romney will continue working toward making sure the Smart Intersections Act is included in any infrastructure deal that is agreed upon.


What the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is perpetrating on the Uyghur people is an atrocity not seen or imagined coming from a developed nation in our era. As Ranking Member of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Asia, Senator Romney co-led a hearing on the Uyghur genocide at the hands of the CCP that's occurring in China. In addition to placing the Uyghur people in concentration and forced labor camps, the CCP is successfully orchestrating the deportation of Uyghurs—everyday people, not just political activists—from other countries in order to conceal the regime's grave human rights abuses. Senator Romney called upon the free countries of the world to act to help stop the genocide.



This week, the Senate passed its large China package with eight of Senator Romney's amendments aimed at developing a strategy to counter China. One of Romney’s amendments mandates a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics in light of the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing human rights abuses, including the Uyghur genocide. "Under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, China has made it very clear that their objective is to replace the U.S. as the world’s dominant player—and that they intend to break rules to achieve that goal," Senator Romney said. "These amendments will help the U.S. pressure the CCP to change their behavior or face meaningful consequences." More information on these amendments can be found here.


The Vice President’s campaign to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration won’t solve our current crisis. At a Foreign Relations hearing with the Secretary of State, Senator Romney asserted that we cannot eradicate poverty and crime here at home, let alone across all of Latin America, and our free enterprise system will always lure people in search of better opportunities. Senator Romney urged the Administration to take action on things that would realistically stem the illegal immigration crisis, like completing the barrier at our southern border, enacting mandatory E-Verify, and requiring asylum seekers to apply in their home country or nearest safe location.



Full story by Dennis Romboy here.


The possibility that the Chinese Communist Party’s censorship would be extended to the U.S. by an American company is unacceptable. Senator Romney wrote a letter to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella requesting that he explain whether the censorship of images associated with the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre were intentional given Microsoft’s ability to operate within China.


Full story by David Goldman here.


Senator Romney and Senator Sullivan (R-AK) met with Leonid Volkiv, acting head of Russia's largest opposition party, to learn more about their efforts to speak out against the Putin regime within Russia and across the globe. We must support these groups in their quest for freedom and efforts to combat authoritarianism.


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