

December 6 – December 10, 2021


Since March, Senator Romney has been advocating for the U.S. to enact a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games in response to the grave human rights abuses being carried out by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—including the genocide of nearly one million Uyghurs. This week, months after Senator Romney’s legislation had passed the Senate, a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games became the official policy of the United States. Since the Administration’s announcement, five countries—the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Lithuania—have joined our efforts. This diplomatic boycott will send a strong message to the CCP, and the world, without jeopardizing the dreams of American athletes, who have trained their entire lives to compete. Keep scrolling for more news.    


For much of this year, Senator Romney has worked with his colleagues on legislation to mandate a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games. This week, the Administration announced that it will withhold American diplomats from attending the Games, while still allowing hardworking American athletes to compete. Importantly, this decision means that the U.S. National Anthem will still be played in Beijing. Following the Administration’s announcement, Senator Romney joined Senator Kaine (D-VA) in releasing the following statement:

“We applaud the President’s decision to withhold any diplomatic presence from the upcoming Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. America must not lend its credibility to the Chinese Communist Party, which represses ethnic and religious minorities—committing genocide against its Uyghur citizens, oppressing the people of Hong Kong, and subjugating the people of Tibet. Never again must the Olympics be awarded to a nation which so blatantly violates the human rights of its own citizens.”



Full article by Lisa Riley Roche here


The United States and its allies must be united in their commitment to supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian incursion. During a Foreign Relations Committee hearing on U.S.–Russia policy, Senator Romney raised concerns with Russian President Vladmir Putin's alarming militant ambitions in the region and beyond.



Full interview with Tim Hughes and Amanda Dickson here


China's military threats toward Taiwan’s capacity for self-rule should alarm free nations around the world. It’s imperative that the United States partners with its allies to counter China’s aggression and strengthen policies that support Taiwan’s freedom and sovereignty.

During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the future of U.S. policy toward Taiwan, Senator Romney urged the Administration to develop a comprehensive Taiwan strategy, which should include the severe costs the CCP could expect should they invade Taiwan.



Utah is the fastest growing state in the nation with a rapidly growing economy. Major companies like Becton Dickinson (BD) are contributing to our state’s growth—providing high-paying jobs and meaningful work to Utahns. Senator Romney met with BD CEO Tom Polen to discuss BD’s presence in Utah and its innovative technologies in the medical field.



On the 80th anniversary of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, Senator Romney shared his thoughts on the brave lives lost that day:

“Today, 80 years since the "date which will live in infamy," we pause to honor the heroic Americans who lost their lives during the sudden attacks at Pearl Harbor. May we never forget their unfettered determination to protecting the freedoms and values we hold dear.”



Senator Romney joined his colleagues in paying respects to WWII veteran, former Senate Republican Leader, and 1996 Republican Presidential Nominee Robert J. “Bob” Dole, who laid in state in the Capitol Rotunda yesterday.


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