
May 2 – May 6, 2022

The Administration’s inability to control the flood of illegal immigration at our southern border not only jeopardizes our national security, but prevents meaningful legal immigration reform from taking place that ensures our country’s economic needs are being met. Senator Romney pressed Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas about the Administration’s failures during a committee hearing this week and urged them to reconsider their policies. The Senator also continued to advocate for getting our country’s fiscal house in order and met with several groups of Utahns in Washington. Keep scrolling for a brief recap of the week:


In response to the leak of a draft opinion by the Supreme Court, Senator Romney issued the following statement:

“If the leaked draft opinion reflects the final outcome, it is a decision I support. The sanctity of human life is a foundational American principle. Laws regarding abortion would now be returned to the people and their elected representatives. The breach of the Court’s deliberative process, however, is an appalling affront against a critical institution and should be fully investigated and those responsible should be punished.”


We cannot begin to reform our legal immigration system to meet our country’s economic needs until the Administration secures the southern border. During a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Senator Romney grilled Secretary Mayorkas on the lack of action the Administration is taking to secure the border, which includes their failure to complete the border wall and decision to end both Title 42 and the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Senator Romney also highlighted how Utah has hospitals that can’t find enough nurses, trucking companies who don’t have enough drivers, and agricultural producers who need help on their farms—a legal immigration problem that can only be solved once illegal immigration is under control.



Full story by Dennis Romboy here.


The Senate unanimously passed a resolution led by Senators Romney and Lee honoring the late Senator Orrin Hatch. “The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch was elected to the Senate in 1976 and served Utah in the Senate with devotion and distinction for 42 years, which is the ninth longest term of service in the history of the Senate...” The full resolution can be found here.


Utah athletes were unstoppable at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games! It’s also astounding that more than one-third of Team USA athletes have close ties to Utah. Senator Romney met with some of our Team USA athletes (and medalists) to congratulate them on their success, saying: “We could not be more proud of their accomplishments and for representing our country so well at the Olympics and Paralympics.”




Last year, Senator Romney and Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) introduced the Bonneville Shoreline Trail Advancement Act, legislation to adjust the boundaries of the trail to ensure that construction can be fully completed and Utahns can enjoy its wide range of recreational opportunities for many years to come. This legislation passed unanimously out of the Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee this week, and will now head to the floor for full Senate consideration.


Two-thirds of federal spending isn’t voted on by Congress—it happens automatically. We will be headed toward economic calamity if we don’t get serious about reining in our national debt and tackling the impending insolvency of our federal trust funds. Senator Romney joined Steve Hayes of The Dispatch for a discussion on the state of our economy and other news of the day.



Senator Romney met with several groups of Utahns who were visiting Washington this week, including mortgage professionals and realtors, a group of students from Salt Lake City, and representatives from Utah Rural Electric Cooperatives.


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