
March 27 – March 31, 2023

This week, Senator Romney met with several groups of local government leaders from across Utah to discuss ways to strengthen communities amid our state’s unique challenges, including its rapid growth and drought conditions. On the national front, the Senator called out Washington Democrats’ hypocrisy on their support for unions at all costs, urged the White House and Congressional leaders to put politics aside to save Social Security, and helped pass a formal to challenge the Biden Administration’s blatant federal power grab of our nation’s waters. Scroll for more news.  


It’s rich that many Washington Democrats like Bernie Sanders—who have never created a single job—believe that they know better than business leaders how to create jobs, what's best for the American worker, and what's best to help grow the American economy.  At a Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP) hearing on labor relations at Starbucks, Senator Romney called out this hypocrisy and pointed out that it is purely in Democrats’ own self-interest to pursue every available avenue to extend unions, even if unionizing is against the interests of a company’s employees.



Senator Romney issued the following statement on the annual report released by the Social Security and Medicare Trustees projecting that Social Security will no longer be able to pay full benefits starting in 2034 and Medicare will become insolvent by 2031:

“It is irresponsible and reckless for Washington to continue to ignore the impending insolvency of our federal trust funds. Today’s Social Security and Medicare Trustees annual report makes it perfectly clear: The clock is ticking for us to act.

“Social Security’s old-age trust fund is now projected to reach insolvency one year sooner than last year’s projection and Medicare will reach that point by 2031. That means in 10 years, our nation’s seniors could see an automatic 25% reduction of Social Security benefits and hardworking Americans could face steep tax increases. Allowing Medicare to run dry would result in widespread disruptions to health services across our country.

“Americans are counting on us to come together on a bipartisan basis to save Social Security and Medicare. The unserious proposals and dishonest claims put forth to score political points must stop. The ballooning national debt, out-of-control mandatory spending, and looming insolvency of federal trust funds are interconnected. Congress and the White House must put the games aside and get our fiscal house in order.”


The Biden Administration’s effort to cancel student loan debt is unfair, wildly inflationary, and will increase our burgeoning national debt.

While the President's legal authority in forgiving the debt is dubious at best, Senator Romney joined 36 of his Republican colleagues, led by HELP Ranking Member Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), in introducing a Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn President Biden’s student loan cancelation scheme—which would transfer up to $20,000 in student loan debt per borrower onto taxpayers, costing an estimated $400 billion.



Full story by Suzanne Bates here.


States and local communities—not the federal government—know best how to manage their lands and waters, and we should keep it that way. The Biden Administration’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule imposes harmful and burdensome regulations on Utah’s farmers, ranchers, and landowners. Senator Romney released a statement after joining his colleagues in passing bipartisan formal challenge to the WOTUS rule. In February, Romney joined all 48 of his Republican colleagues, led by Senator Capito (R-WV), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Work Committee, in introducing the Congressional Review Act joint resolution of disapproval.


The United States and Singapore have an expansive and important partnership built on our mutual economic interests and cooperative defense efforts. Senator Romney sat down with Singaporean Ambassador Ashok Mirpuri for a conversation on addressing the changing global dynamics in Southeast Asia and concerns about China.



Too often over the last decade, the IRS has been used for political means. Senator Romney joined a group of colleagues, led by Senator Braun (R-IN), in re-introducing a bill to prevent the IRS from being used as a political weapon against conservative non-profit groups.


The Artemis program provides innovative and historic opportunities for space exploration and scientific discovery. Senator Romney met with NASA suppliers—including two Logan, Utah-based firms—to discuss enhancing partnerships with the companies that are supporting and sustaining the program.



Throughout the week, Senator Romney met with several groups of local elected officials from cities and towns across Utah, including mayors and council members. These conversations covered priorities like building new infrastructure, bolstering water resources, planning for growth, and supporting urban development.


St. George Mayor Randall and City Council Members discussed strengthening the City’s airports.


Draper Mayor Troy Walker and City Manager David Dobbins discussed plans for the former prison site near Point of the Mountain.


Lehi Mayor Mark Johnson and City Council members discussed solutions to support the City’s rapid growth.


Millcreek Mayor and City Council members discussed plans to develop a thriving city center.


South Jordan Mayor Dawn Ramsey and City Council members discussed improvements to infrastructure and water facilities.


Various municipalities represented in the Utah League of Cities and Towns discussed federal efforts that can best support our local communities.



Visiting Congress provides students a unique opportunity to see firsthand our government’s legislative process. Senator Romney enjoyed meeting with an impressive group of Mountain Heights Academy students from Utah to discuss American democracy and what we can do to better support the future of young people.



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