
April 17 – April 21, 2023

This week, Senator Romney grilled members of the Biden Administration on their negligence to address the humanity crisis at our southern border, overt pro-labor union bias, and history of gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars. He also met with key stakeholders from Utah to discuss efforts to address our state’s education, water, economic, and defense industry needs. Keep scrolling for more news. 


If given a grade on how they've addressed the crisis at our southern border, the Biden Administration would clearly get an F. We can't solve poverty or end crime here in our own country, yet the Administration seems to think that we're going to do it in dozens of countries across Latin America to reduce the desire of people to come to the U.S. It’s just not realistic! The Administration should keep its eye on the ball and devote its resources to completing the wall and securing our southern border. 

At a Homeland Security Committee hearing, Senator Romney pressed DHS Secretary Mayorkas about the Administration’s failure to secure our southern border.



Full story by Mark Jones here.


President Biden’s Labor Secretary nominee, Julie Su, not only lacks the experience and competency for the role, but carries a record of gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars. Under her watch, California sent out $31 billion in fraudulent unemployment benefits! Her nomination makes no sense at all.

At a Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing on Su’s nomination, Senator Romney pressed her on the nearly $31 billion in fraudulent Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits that were authorized during her tenure overseeing California’s UI program. Romney also raised questions on Su’s competence and ability to be an unbiased, neutral arbiter in leading high-stakes negotiations between unions and business leaders.



Full story by Jacob Bogage here.


Inflation continues to harm families in Utah and across the country. Senator Romney sat down with Federal Reserve Board Governor Lisa Cook to discuss the current state of the economy and what the Federal Reserve is doing to combat inflation and ensure financial stability.



Throughout the week, Senator Romney met with several groups of Utah stakeholders for discussions ranging from higher education and defense to Utah’s economy and water supply demands.



Former Utah Governor Gary Herbert and the Utah Valley Chamber received an update on Senator Romney’s efforts to serve Utahns in Washington.



Utah Valley University President Astrid Tuminez discussed UVU’s efforts to prepare Utahns for successful careers.



Members of the Utah Defense Alliance discussed the important role that Utah’s military bases and installations play in our national security.



Members of the Utah Association of Mortgage Professionals discussed ideas to address Utah’s housing shortage, including ways to increase supply, affordability, and access for homebuyers.



Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions President Dr. Cameron Martin discussed the school’s mission and growth.



Managers of the Provo River gave an update on the Deer Creek Intake Project and the current water situation in the district.



Members of the Utah Rural Electric Cooperative discussed ways to safeguard and promote Utah’s energy resources.



Weber State University President Brad Mortensen discussed WSU’s efforts to support their diverse student body and the region’s aerospace industry.



General managers for Utah’s water districts gave an update on managing Utah’s water resources, including new infrastructure projects.



4-H youth delegates from across Utah discussed the hands-on opportunities 4-H provides for youth to become better prepared for successful and impactful futures. 


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