
July 24 – July 28, 2023

Over the last several weeks, the Senate has been working on crafting this year’s national defense authorization bill—which passed yesterday with strong bipartisan support. Senator Romney successfully secured several measures in the bill to protect against China and Russia, reaffirm Utah’s role in our national security, and improve passport services for Utahns. He also helped introduce bipartisan bills to combat the opioid epidemic and improve the water quality of the Colorado River, and met with several Utahns visiting Washington. Scroll for more news. 


As the United States faces growing threats from adversaries, our military must have the resources, equipment, and capabilities it needs to keep our nation safe. Senator Romney applauded Senate passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (NDAA), annual legislation that authorizes funding levels and provides authorities for the U.S. military and other critical defense priorities.

The bipartisan Senate NDAA included several Romney measures aimed at protecting against threats from China and Russia and reaffirming the critical role Utah plays in our national security—notably increased support for Dugway Proving Ground’s chemical and biological defense program and the Sentinel program at Hill Air Force Base. It also included provisions from Romney on passport services, continuing his efforts to improve access to passport services for Utahns. The NDAA passed by a 86-11 vote.


Interview with Boyd Matheson here.


Reducing the salinity of the Colorado River benefits Utah, and its sister Basin states, by ensuring that we meet water quality standards while increasing the economic opportunities and infrastructure of our local communities. Senator Romney joined Senators Bennet (D-CO) and Lummis (R-WY) in introducing the Colorado River Salinity Control Fix Act, legislation which would provide greater support for Colorado River Basin water users and local governments working to reduce the salt load in the Colorado River.


Full story by Carter Williams here.


On Pioneer Day, Utahns from all backgrounds celebrate our state’s storied legacy of determination, faith, and optimism. Utah’s pioneer heritage continues to show itself in our strong communities, economic vitality, and beehive spirit. Senator Romney shared a video message wishing all Utahns a happy 24th of July.



Last year, a record number of Americans died from a drug overdose—with more than half of those involving opioids. Senators Romney and Manchin (D-WV) reintroduced the bipartisan Life Budgeting for Opioid Addiction Treatment (LifeBOAT) Act, legislation which would bolster the significant work Utah has done to combat the opioid epidemic by helping to fund our state’s treatment and recovery support services.



A U.S. Coast Guard veteran, former Summit County Sheriff, and now U.S. Marshal for Utah, Justin Martinez has lived a life dedicated to public service. Senator Romney met with Marshal Martinez to hear about the important work he’s doing in his new role.



The historic Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) partnership is a vitally important element of our national security, especially concerning the strategic landscape in the Indo-Pacific, but we must simultaneously protect U.S. national security. This means making necessary generational investments in the U.S. submarine production capacity.

Senator Romney joined Senators Wicker (R-MS) and Collins (R-ME) in calling on President Biden to take immediate action to strengthen the U.S. submarine industrial base as the U.S. works to fulfill the terms of the AUKUS partnership.

Romney also met with British Ambassador to the United States Karen Pierce for a discussion on strengthening the AUKUS partnership and other shared national security priorities between the U.K. and the U.S.



Throughout the week, Senator Romney met with several Utahns to discuss issues like education, youth leadership, and public service.



Utah Tech President Richard “Biff” Williams discussed the school’s work to support southern Utah's booming economy.


Utah FFA state officers discussed their work representing our state, as well as their post-graduation plans.


Utah's delegation to ALA Girls Nation and AL Boys Nation discussed their experience serving as leaders in their respective organizations.


BYU Washington Seminar interns discussed public service, leadership, and Senator Romney’s experience in the Senate.


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