
October 23 – 27, 2023

In Washington this week, Senator Romney helped move forward important priorities for the Beehive State—including a program to bolster Utah’s critical mineral production, as well as an effort to support Utah’s conservation efforts amid federal government overreach. He also met with housing leaders to discuss solutions to increase access to affordable housing in Utah. Keep scrolling for more news. 


We are far behind China when it comes to mining critical minerals, and our increasing reliance on China for them creates serious vulnerabilities for our national security. Of the roughly 35 critical minerals needed for our industrial base and economy, 28 of them could be mined in Utah. Senator Romney applauded an announcement by the Administration that it would invest in Utah’s critical mineral production and manufacturing industry.

The announcement comes after Romney advocated on behalf of the Intermountain Critical Materials Consortium, which is developing a regional strategy to advance the production and manufacturing of critical minerals needed for clean energy technologies.


Senator Romney joined Senators Risch (R-ID) and Crapo (R-ID), members of the Senate Western Caucus, in advocating for the continued prohibition of the greater sage-grouse in being listed under the Endangered Species Act. Each of the 11 western states which hold sage-grouse habitat have adopted their own collaborative, science-based conservation plans, tailored specifically to address localized landscape needs and recover the species. Despite this transparent and scientific approach, the greater sage-grouse has constantly been the subject of continuous litigation and baseless, counterproductive listing petitions for years.


Full story by Carter Williams here.


The Trust Lands Administration is an important and successful operation in our state that generates funding for schools, hospitals, and universities. Senator Romney met with Utah SITLA Director Michelle McConkie and her team to discuss their plans to continue supporting Utah's institutions through strategic land management.



Housing prices in Utah have skyrocketed, making it difficult for Utahns across our state to find affordable accommodations or buy their own home. Senator Romney met with a group of affordable housing nonprofit leaders for a discussion on increasing home ownership and access to rental housing.



Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints paid Senator Romney a visit while he was in Washington, D.C.



Senator Romney enjoyed meeting with young leaders from Utah participating in a YouthBuild leadership conference in Washington, D.C.



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