
January 22 – 26, 2024

It’s no secret that the Chinese Communist Party is implementing a multipronged strategy to overtake the United States as the global leader—militarily, economically, and geopolitically. This week, Senator Romney advanced efforts to counter the China threat by introducing a bill to safeguard Americans’ sensitive health data from getting into the hands of the CCP and calling on the federal government to assess how export controls can restrict adversaries from using advanced U.S. technology to bolster their AI capabilities. He also called on the Biden Administration to withdraw its overreaching electric vehicle mandate. Keep scrolling for more news. 


Chinese-based biotechnology companies are collecting genetic and sensitive health data from millions of people around the world through medical diagnostics tests to give China the upper hand. We cannot allow the CCP to get their hands on Americans’ private health information. Senator Romney, Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security Emerging Threats Subcommittee, joined Senators Peters (D-MI) and Hagerty (R-TN) in introducing bipartisan legislation to help prevent foreign adversaries from stealing sensitive American genetic data and personal health information.

The Prohibiting Foreign Access to American Genetic Information Act would ban all biotechnology companies that are owned or controlled by a foreign adversary, such as the CCP, and whose business practices threaten national security, from receiving U.S. taxpayer dollars through federal contracts, grants, and loans.


Full story by Ken Dilanian here.


China is intent on out-competing the United States in the most cutting-edge areas of technology—like AI—which is predicated upon advanced semiconductor capabilities. Strong and effective export controls will protect national security and restrict adversaries from using American technology to bolster their AI abilities. Senators Romney and Hassan (D-NH), Ranking Member and Chair of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Subcommittee, sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office requesting an assessment of the Department of Commerce’s export controls on advanced semiconductors, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and related technologies from China and other countries.


For too many parents, the ability to choose a learning program that meets the needs and circumstances of their children is limited or nonexistent. Parents know what is best for their kids and they should have the freedom to choose the model of education that works best for their family—whether that is public, homeschool, or otherwise. Senator Romney joined a large group of his colleagues in introducing a resolution designating January 21 through January 27, 2024, as National School Choice Week.


Full story by Gitanjali Poonia here.


President Biden’s proposed Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards for passenger cars and light-duty trucks would effectively mandate the mass production of electric vehicles and phase out gas-powered cars and trucks. Americans should be able to choose the vehicle that best fits their needs and budget, rather than having the federal government dictate what they can or cannot drive. Senator Romney joined a bicameral group of 120 colleagues, led by Senators Crapo (R-ID) and Cruz (R-TX), in urging the Administration to withdraw its overreaching EV mandate.


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