
February 26 – March 1, 2024

Senator Romney has long been clear on this point: Vladimir Putin’s territorial ambitions extend beyond Ukraine. If the U.S. steps away from Ukraine and halts aid, Putin could be emboldened to invade a NATO nation, which would pull the U.S. into war. This week, Senator Romney urged his colleagues to pass additional aid to Ukraine and warned of the dire consequences of the U.S. losing its status as the global leader. He also pressed the Administration to clarify its posture on Iran, introduced legislation to help Americans rise out of poverty and find meaningful work, and met with several Utahns visiting Washington. Scroll for more news. 


Walking away from Ukraine would threaten our own security and jeopardize the United States’ role as leader of the free world. Vladimir Putin will not stop at Ukraine, and the invasion of a NATO nation will pull the U.S. into conflict. Senator Romney joined CNN’s The Source with Kaitlan Collins to warn that failure to stand united with our friends and allies in Ukraine would give an opening to authoritarian regimes like the Chinese Communist Party to emerge as the dominant power—threatening freedom and global stability. 



Senator Romney released the following statement regarding Senator Mitch McConnell’s announcement that he will step down as Senate Republican Leader in November:

“No senator in memory has demonstrated more respect for the institution of the Senate than Leader Mitch McConnell. He has defended it against attack by people from both parties.

“Leader McConnell has been steadfast in his defense of conservative values, promoting a conservative judiciary, invigorating economic growth, insisting on America’s defense of freedom, and protecting the rights of all Americans.

“Leader McConnell’s accomplishments and dedication to conservative principles may have been less recognized and heralded than their due. The history of the Senate will revere the extraordinary record of its longest-serving Senate leader.”


Recent attacks by Iranian proxies on our forces in the Middle East warrant a formidable response from the United States. During a Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Iran’s proxy network in the Middle East, Senator Romney urged the Administration to take action to fully enforce sanctions on Iran’s oil and make their overall posture on Iran clear to the American people.



Utah’s model of consolidating federal workforce development and social safety net programs within a single state entity has successfully helped scores of workers rise out of poverty and get back into the workforce. Senator Romney introduced the One Door to Work Act, legislation which would allow other states the flexibility to adopt Utah’s integrated workforce and safety-net model to enable more people to succeed.


Utah is well represented by our veterans, who continue to serve in their communities after serving our country in uniform. Senator Romney met with Utah American Legion officers to discuss how to support our veterans and military community—including offering mental health and suicide prevention resources.


Prior to the meeting, Senator Romney met with Dayson Macdonald, a Washington, Utah native who received the Samsung American Legion Scholarship—which is awarded to high school students who are direct descendants of wartime veterans.



Affordable and reliable community power systems are essential to maintaining Utah's quality of life. Senator Romney met with the mayors and leaders of Provo, Spanish Fork, Manti, Nephi, Levan, and Salem to discuss energy policies that would benefit Utah’s cities and towns.



NASA’s Artemis program is helping advance American leadership in space exploration and scientific discovery. Senator Romney met with leaders of Utah companies providing support for Artemis to discuss next steps for sustaining the program—including continued public-private partnerships.



As Utah continues to see rapid growth, ensuring reliable power for our municipalities is critical to safeguarding our standard of living. Senator Romney met with several members of the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems for a discussion on policies that would help support Utah’s community-owned power systems.



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