
March 4 – March 8, 2024

This week, Senator Romney had the privilege of welcoming several groups of Utahns to Washington to discuss priorities like veterans care, transportation, water supply, and economic prosperity. He also helped introduce legislation to overturn a Biden Administration rule that would harm Utah’s gig-worker economy, continued efforts to address our current military recruitment crisis, and saw his bill to protect Americans’ health data from foreign adversaries advance in Committee. Last night, Senator Romney shared his thoughts on the President’s State of the Union address. Scroll for more news. 


Senator Romney shared the following video message after President Biden’s State of the Union address:



Utah is home to tens of thousands of self-employed and independent workers who make significant contributions to our state’s growing economy. The Biden Administration’s recent worker classification rule jeopardizes the flexibility and autonomy that these hardworking Utahns rely on and adds unnecessary regulatory restrictions and confusion. Senator Romney joined 31 Republican colleagues, led by Senator Cassidy (R-LA), in introducing a Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn the Department of Labor’s final worker classification rule.


Our nation’s veterans deserve the absolute best care our country can offer. Senator Romney introduced Nancy Espinosa, National Commander of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and a constituent from Kaysville, Utah, at a joint hearing held by the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees to better understand the legislative priorities of the DAV and its members—including addressing the growing backlog of claims at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.



The Colorado River is a critical water source for Utah. Senator Romney received an update from the Upper Colorado River Commissioners—including Utah’s Gene Shawcroft—on their latest discussions concerning our states’ shared usage of the river.



Last year, the U.S. military fell short of recruiting goals by about 41,000 recruits. This shortfall has real and immediate impacts on our national security, which is why it’s critically important to communicate the rewarding and successful careers that students can have through military service. Senator Romney joined a bipartisan group of colleagues, led by Senator Moran (R-KS), in urging the Administration to encourage collaboration between the Department of Defense and the Departments of Education and Labor to better help young people recognize military service and enlistment as a rewarding and successful career option.


Credit unions play an important role in supporting Utah’s growing economy—providing essential financial services to Utah families and businesses. Senator Romney met with leaders from the Utah Credit Union Association for a discussion on how credit unions can be better equipped to address the financial needs of Utahns.



We cannot allow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to get their hands on Americans’ private health information. Chinese-based biotechnology companies are collecting genetic and sensitive health data from millions of people around the world through medical diagnostics tests to give China the advantage. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee advanced bipartisan legislation cosponsored by Senator Romney that would help prevent foreign adversaries from stealing sensitive American genetic data and personal health information.


Long-range travel capabilities are essential to operating rural public transit systems like Cache Valley Transit District (CVTD). Senator Romney met with CVTD CEO Todd Beutler to discuss innovation in transit technology, measures to improve safety, and CVTD’s continued commitment to a reliable fare-free system.



The United States Senate Youth Program provides high school students interested in pursuing careers in public service with a front-row seat to policymaking. Senator Romney met with Utah’s delegates to learn about their accomplishments, goals, and plans for the future.



Utah’s youth are among the brightest young leaders in the nation. Senator Romney met with high school students from Cache County to discuss the importance of civic responsibility and public service.



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