
March 18 – March 23, 2024

While Congress worked to keep the federal government funded, Senator Romney continued working toward safeguarding the United States from threats related to the rise of China. He introduced bipartisan legislation to counter the national security risks associated with our economic entanglement with China and led a Homeland Security subcommittee hearing to learn more about how the U.S. government can prevent fentanyl, and the precursor chemicals used to make it, from entering the country—primarily from China and Mexico. Senator Romney also received an award for his efforts to modernize federal wildfire policies. Keep scrolling for more news:


Fentanyl-related deaths have continued to increase in our country. Senator Romney, joined by Senator Hassan (D-NH), led an Emerging Threats Subcommittee hearing to discuss how the U.S. government can stop the flow of fentanyl, and the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl, into the United States from Mexico and China. 

“China has made commitments…and I don't believe they have fully lived up to those commitments…[And] likewise, with regards to Mexico, we have not had as much support in fighting organized crime and the cartels in Mexico as we might have hoped,” said Senator Romney.



Full story by Kyle Dunphy here.



China is on a fast track to replace the United States as the global economic leader. Yet at the same time, we remain intertwined with China in virtually every sector of our economy—sectors such as financial services, artificial intelligence, critical minerals, manufacturing, and more. Senator Romney led a bipartisan group of his colleagues in introducing the American Economic Independence Act, legislation to counter the national security risks of U.S. economic entanglement with China.


Modernizing federal wildfire policies has become a national priority. What once was largely an issue for dry, western states—like Utah—wildfires now impact communities all across our country. In recognition of his efforts in enacting the Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission, Senator Romney received the “Legislative Achievement Award” from the National Emergency Management Association. Kathy Holder, the State Hazard Mitigation Officer at Utah’s Department of Public Safety and a member of the Wildfire Commission, presented Senator Romney with the award.



Senator Romney released the following statement on his vote in favor of the government funding bill, which passed the Senate by a vote of 74-24:

“While it’s far from perfect, I voted for this appropriations bill because it provides critical funding for our military and for border security at a time of serious national security challenges. The bill is also good for Utah—containing measures that will reduce passport backlogs and support priorities for Hill Air Force Base like the F-35 program and the Sentinel program.

“Notably, this bill reduces non-defense spending for the first time in nearly a decade, but unfortunately this spending cut will have little effect on our fiscal situation. Our country’s overspending problems will continue as long as Congress only votes on one-third of federal spending. We must come together to address the main drivers of our national debt and bring our books into balance. I will continue to work with Senator Manchin and others on the Fiscal Stability Act to force Congress to act.”   


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