
April 29 – May 3, 2024

Countering the China threat, tackling the national debt, and mitigating wildfires have been among Senator Romney’s top priorities since the beginning of his Senate term. This week, Senator Romney continued to advance these efforts. He led a hearing on U.S. policy in Taiwan and China’s ambitions in the Indo-Pacific, was recognized for his efforts to lower the public debt and stabilize the nation’s finances, and met with fire chiefs from Utah as he works to craft modernized wildfire legislation. He also pressed federal agencies on their inaction to understand and contain the recent outbreak of the bird flu virus. All this and more below. 


It’s unacceptable that, after dealing with COVID and the baby formula shortage, our federal agencies have once again failed to address gaps in our public health knowledge and quickly disseminate accurate information on the emerging bird flu outbreak. Federal agencies owe Americans answers regarding the transmission and spread of the bird flu virus, requirements for testing livestock, and the safety of our milk and beef supply. 

Senator Romney, member of the Senate Health Committee, sent a letter to U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf, U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Mandy Cohen raising concern with the agencies’ inaction to understand and contain the outbreak of the bird flu virus (H5N1). 


Full story by Bridger Beal-Cvetko here.


China is rapidly building out its military capabilities while carrying out intense economic coercion against Taiwan—an advanced democracy, the global leader in semiconductors, and a close partner of the United States. Because it is in America’s interest to help Taiwan combat the Chinese Communist Party’s aggressive behavior and deter future actions aimed at bringing Taiwan under China’s control, Senator Romney, Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy, led a hearing regarding U.S. policy on Taiwan. Failure to stop the CCP’s ambitions with Taiwan would be a blow to free societies around the world and cause immense economic calamity.



Full story by Lisa Riley Roche here.


The Biden Administration continues to roll out climate regulations that may be politically attractive, but won’t put a dent in lowering global emissions. Senator Romney joined a bipartisan and bicameral group of colleagues in introducing Congressional Review Act legislation to block the Biden Administration’s burdensome EV mandates.

The President’s recent electric vehicle (EV) mandates will not only make it burdensome for Utahns in rural parts of the state, but they will also increase the United States’ reliance on China for batteries. The Administration would be wise to direct its focus on the development of new technologies which could be adopted globally. 



If we don’t take action to address our national debt, we eventually won’t be able to keep up with the growing interest, our currency will weaken, and we risk being replaced as the leader of the free world. Senator Romney was recognized as a “Fiscal Hero” for the 118th Congress by Fix the Debt—a project of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget—for his bipartisan efforts to rein in the national debt and balance the federal budget. Since coming to Congress, Romney has made budget and debt issues a top priority and has been urging Congress to pass the Fiscal Stability Act—his legislation with Senator Manchin (D-WV) which would create a bicameral fiscal commission tasked with finding legislative solutions to stabilize and decrease our national debt.



The Biden Administration’s student loan relief schemes are unfair and irresponsible—forcing hardworking Americans to pay off debts they never agreed to take on—and Senator Romney introduced the Student Loan Accountability Act in 2022 to block these schemes. But no one should especially support a taxpayer bailout for students who engage in the criminal behavior we’re seeing on college campuses across the nation right now.

Senator Romney joined Senator Cotton (R-AR) and 17 of their Republican colleagues in introducing the No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act, legislation that would make any individual who is convicted of a state or federal offense in connection with a campus protest ineligible for federal student loan relief. 



Yesterday's policies aren't effectively addressing today’s wildfires. Senator Romney is working on legislation that will implement recommendations from the Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission—a commission of federal and non-federal stakeholders that was formed to study and recommend fire prevention, mitigation, management, and rehabilitation policies for forests and grasslands. Senator Romney met with fire chiefs from Utah to discuss this legislation and other fire issues in our state.



Utah plays an important role in our national defense—with companies like L3Harris Technologies operating manufacturing and operations facilities in our state. Senator Romney met with the firm's Utah management to discuss how they're addressing pressing national security concerns, as well as their economic impact on our state.



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