
May 20 – 24, 2024

America leads the free world, drawing strength from its alliances and partnerships. And it’s these relationships that are critical in addressing the growing threats we face from authoritarians. This week, Senator Romney pressed the Administration to deliver a comprehensive strategy on China and encouraged a NATO ally to boost its defense spending to meet commitments. On the domestic policy front, the Senator urged the Administration to withdraw a disastrous student loan bailout rule and called for stronger action to address Utah's drought—consulting with water scarcity experts. Read on for more.


China’s ambition is to dominate the world militarily, economically, and geopolitically—and the Chinese Communist Party is employing an extraordinary set of tactics to make it happen. Senator Romney secured a law requiring the Administration to develop a comprehensive strategy to address China’s rise and submit it to Congress. It’s nearly a year overdue! During a Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Senator Romney pressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken on delivering the strategy. 



The President’s student loan cancellation schemes will cost more than all federal spending on higher education in our nation’s history. It is wildly reckless to jeopardize America’s financial stability to win the vote of young people. Senator Romney, member of the Senate Education Committee (HELP), joined Senator Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), HELP Committee Ranking Member, and Representative Foxx (R-NC), Chairwoman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, in urging the Department of Education to withdraw its latest attempt to transfer student loan debt onto American taxpayers. The Department’s proposed rule will cost hardworking Americans an additional $147 billion and bring the total student loan debt transferred to taxpayers to as much as $1 trillion.


Full story by Hanna Seariac here.


All NATO members have committed to spending at least 2% of their country’s GDP on defense. Canada is not only well below that baseline, but also shows no inclination of reaching it in the foreseeable future. We can't ignore the growing threats we face. Like all NATO members, Canada needs to honor its obligation to ensure our collective security. Senator Romney joined Senators Shaheen (D-NH) and Tillis (R-NC), and a bipartisan group of colleagues in sending a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging Canada to immediately develop a plan to increase its defense spending to meet the two percent threshold.


Full story by Kylie Atwood here.


Although we have recently had more precipitous winters and implemented creative water solutions, Utah's drought is still the worst it's been since the 1500s. To promote drought resiliency in the West, federal efforts should be done in conjunction with state and local input. Senator Romney raised the need to address ongoing drought conditions in Utah and the Intermountain West during a Budget Committee hearing on water scarcity.



Full story by Alexandrea Bonilla here.


What once was largely an issue for dry, western states—like Utah—wildfires now impact communities all across our country. Senator Romney received the Congressional Fire Services Institute’s “Legislator of the Year” award for his work on establishing the Wildland Fire Commission and efforts to produce legislation from the Commission’s recommendations that will modernize our federal wildfire policies.



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