
June 10 – 14, 2024

A lack of adequate safeguards against unlawful employment in the U.S. job market is one of the leading causes of illegal immigration. To address this, Senator Romney this week introduced bipartisan legislation to mandate that all employers only hire legal workers. He also introduced several bipartisan bills to strengthen America’s national security amid increased threats from terrorist organizations and China, and garnered support for his bill to bring Utah’s successful workforce program model nationwide. All this and more below. 




President Biden’s last-ditch effort to limit asylum is too little, too late. Millions of illegal immigrants have already flooded into our country under his watch, and his executive order falls short in its failure to end widespread illegal employment. Senators Romney, Cotton (R-AR), Cassidy (R-LA), Lankford (R-OK), Vance (R-OH), and Manchin (I-WV) introduced the Mandatory E-Verify Act of 2024, bipartisan legislation that would require all employers to use the federal electronic E-Verify system to confirm the employment eligibility of their workforce. Nearly 70% of Americans believe that businesses should be mandated to use E-Verify.


Full story by Julia Johnson here.


Continuing to spend massively more than we take in each year—adding to our public debt—cannot go on forever. The United States will stay on the path to financial catastrophe unless we put partisanship aside and produce constructive and honest solutions to stabilize our debt. During a Budget Committee hearing, Senator Romney highlighted the urgent need Congress has to halt deficit spending and tackle the burgeoning national debt.



Since the October 7 attacks on Israel by Hamas, there have been dozens of drone attacks on American troops by Iran-backed groups. Senators Romney and Rosen (D-NV) introduced the Combating Foreign Terrorist Drones Act of 2024, bipartisan legislation aimed at preventing foreign terrorists—such as Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and Iran-backed groups like the Houthis—from acquiring drones to conduct attacks, collect intelligence, and deliver weapons or supplies.


With each passing day, China’s military continues to improve and expand its capabilities. The Chinese Communist Party’s ambitions are clear. In the event of a conflict in the Indo-Pacific, the United States could face challenges effectively moving personnel and equipment. Senator Romney, Ranking Member of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific, teamed up with Senator Kelly (D-AZ) to introduce the Bolstering Indo-Pacific Capabilities Act, bipartisan legislation that would shore up U.S. military logistics lines and improve readiness, particularly in the Indo-Pacific. 


Full story by Jen Judson here.


Utah is a leader in lifting people out of poverty and into the workforce—in large part due to its model of consolidating workforce development and social safety net programs into a single state entity. At a Labor Committee hearing, Senator Romney highlighted his One Door to Work Act, legislation which would allow other states to implement Utah’s successful model.



The United States is lagging far behind China in developing innovative technology vital to our defense. Senators Romney and Shaheen (D-NH) introduced the Investing in Our Defense Act of 2024, bipartisan legislation to promote investment in technology key to U.S. national security by allowing the Department of Defense’s Office of Strategic Capital to make limited equity investments in technology and assets critical to our defense—including critical minerals.


Studying history allows us to better understand the past, make sense of the present, and plan for the future. Senator Romney spoke with National History Day finalists from Utah about their projects to study, preserve, and celebrate impactful moments in history.



Professions in education are personally fulfilling and immensely impactful to our youth and communities. Senator Romney met with students from the BYU McKay School of Education to learn about their educational accomplishments and goals for the future.



Senator Romney thanked educators from Alpine School District for their work and heard about their experience visiting historical sites in Washington this week.



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