
April 6th: Spring Vermont Day at the Edward Kennedy Institute 


Twice a year my office organizes trips for Vermont students to visit the Edward Kennedy Institute in Boston. To date, nearly 500 students have participated in their innovative programming on the legislative process, acting as senators for the day in a full-scale replica of the U.S. Senate chamber. "Vermont Day" is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to learn that democracy is not a spectator sport. When we work together and debate the big issues facing our nation, we can make meaningful change. Our spring trip to the Institute is April 6th. If you are a Vermont teacher or student interested in participating, contact my office at 802-862-0697. 

Watch a video about Vermont Day here.


Student Artwork in my Burlington Office 


My Burlington office is showcasing the artwork of Edmunds Middle School students in our front lobby to celebrate the artistic talents of young Vermonters. Often the arts are under-recognized in our education system. Yet study after study has shown that access to quality arts and music programming not only increases overall academic achievement, but also gives students avenues to success that they might not otherwise have. Arts and music education nurture the development of critical thinking, collaboration, and creative problem-solving — all of which are essential for future success in college and career. The future of our country is in the hands of our youth — it is critically important that young people are civically engaged and that they have the tools to be successful. To the students across our state — your contributions matter!


10th Annual State of the Union Essay Contest Winners 


15 students have been named as finalists in the my tenth annual State of the Union Essay contest, which gives Vermont high school students the opportunity to describe which issues they would prioritize if they were president. This year, 536 students from 41 high schools submitted essays — climate change and health care were the two topics most frequently written about. Over the past ten years students have written about issues that are not only affecting their lives, but our communities, our country, and our planet. It is heartening to know that so many young people are thinking about the issues, standing up and making their voices heard. 

To read the full press release, click here. 

To read the essays of the finalists and winners, click here.


How Can We Help?

My Burlington office has a team of experienced caseworkers who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help you, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or (802) 862-0697, or click here

If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here