
Do You Have a Project Idea That Will Help Vermont?


Right now, we have a real opportunity to fund specific projects that can improve the lives of Vermonters in every corner of our state. 


Do you have a project idea? Perhaps an affordable housing, infrastructure, education, or community engagement project? I have the privilege of nominating several Vermont projects for funding through the congressional appropriations process. If you would like your project to be considered for federal funding, fill out my appropriations request form here:

As your Senator, it is my job to fight for your needs. Over the years, I have spoken with thousands upon thousands of Vermonters. I know you have excellent ideas about how to best use federal funds to help our small state. Many of you are on the ground doing important work every single day to serve your fellow Vermonters. You know what is needed in your communities and you know what significant federal investment could mean for your initiatives and future projects. I believe through this appropriations process, we can ensure the federal government is truly working for you.

I look forward to seeing your project ideas and working together to move our state forward.


How Can We Help?

My Burlington office has a team of experienced caseworkers who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help you, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or (802) 862-0697, or click here

If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here
