
My Visits in Vermont This Week


I have looked forward to traveling around the state and speaking with Vermonters in person again for a long time, and I’m very grateful I got to do just that this past Wednesday. Thank you to all the Vermonters I visited in Addison and Rutland counties.


It was great to meet with just a few of the many organizations and people who have stepped up in a big way over the last year to meet the needs of their fellow Vermonters. Thank you to the Mountain Health Center, the Addison County Parent Child Center, Community Health Rutland, Rutland High School, and the Rutland Regional Medical Center for your great work, your time and your insights. We have a lot of work to do, but seeing your dedication and commitment gives me great hope for the future and all we can accomplish together.

Read the press release about my visits here.


Do You Have a Project Idea That Will Help Vermont?

Submit Your Federal Funding Request Now

The deadline to submit a congressional appropriations funding request is May 14 at 6:00 P.M. I’ve already received so many great proposals from Vermonters throughout the state, and want to make sure that everyone who has a project idea has the opportunity to apply.


Through the congressional appropriations process, we have a real opportunity to fund specific projects that can improve the lives of Vermonters in every corner of our state. Many of you are on the ground doing important work every single day to help your fellow Vermonters. You know what is needed in your communities and you know what significant federal investment could mean for your initiatives and future projects. I know you have excellent ideas about how to best use federal funds to help our small state.

If you would like your project to be considered for federal funding, fill out my appropriations request form here.


We Must Expand Medicare


Last month I joined 16 of my Senate colleagues in asking President Biden to expand Medicare in his American Families Plan. The simple truth is that millions of Americans are struggling because they cannot get the care they need. It’s imperative that we work to lower the Medicare eligibility age, expand Medicare benefits to include hearing, dental, and vision care, implement a cap on out-of-pocket expenses, and negotiate lower drug prices. In doing so, we can substantially improve the lives of older Americans throughout our country. Learn more about how urgent this fight is in this video, and hear from a Vermonter who is struggling to afford the hearing, dental, and vision care they need here.


To expand Medicare, we must also take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry. We know that the pharmaceutical industry is ripping off the American people. A recent U.S. Government Accountability Office report that I commissioned found that the U.S. pays two to four times more for prescription drugs than other nations. By allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies, we can significantly decrease drug prices and use the savings to expand Medicare. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that allowing this negotiation could save Medicare at least $456 billion and increase revenue by at least $45 billion over the next decade.

We can no longer tolerate this: it is time to take on the pharmaceutical industry and expand Medicare. 


Community Health Centers Play an Enormously Important Role in Vermont


Federally qualified health centers (FQHC) offer critically important primary, mental, and oral health care, as well as substance use disorder treatment, and affordable prescription drugs to 155,000 Vermonters each year. That’s nearly one-in-three Vermonters who rely on community health centers for their care. I was able to visit two of our centers in Bristol and Rutland this week to learn about the great work they are doing to respond to the needs of their communities, and discuss how they plan to use their share of the state's $33 million in federal funding made available through the American Rescue Plan. I’m very proud that I fought to secure this increase in federal funding which will allow our centers to serve even more Vermonters. Read this Burlington Free Press article to learn more about how vital FQHCs are to the health of our communities.

Please know that Vermont’s 66 community health center locations are open and accepting new patients. Use this chart to find the health center nearest you, or call my office at 800-339-9834 and my staff will be happy to assist you.


What I'm Fighting For in Washington D.C.


As your Senator, it’s my job to fight for your needs, and I believe we have an opportunity to pass legislation that will help working families in Vermont and all across our country. With the next reconciliation bill we have a chance to not just deal with the emergency problems facing the country, but also the systemic and existential problems. That includes infrastructure, health care, education, childcare, housing, transportation, and climate change.

Here are the recent pieces of legislation I have introduced in the U.S. Senate to address some of these issues:

We have a lot of work to do. Know I will continue to work with Vermonters, with the President, and Congress to finally address the crises that have been neglected for so long.


How Can We Help?

My Burlington office has a team of experienced caseworkers who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help you, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or (802) 862-0697, or click here

If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here
