Wishing Everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year


Dear Fellow Vermonter,

Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a healthy and happy new year.

I also want to take a moment to review some of the major actions that took place in Washington over the last year, and how they will impact Vermont.

But first, let me be honest and tell you what you already know. These are very tough times for Vermont and the country. We are all tired and frustrated with this never-ending pandemic and with the sickness, isolation, stress, school closings and changes in travel and employment patterns that it has caused. But, like every other difficult moment in our history, this too will pass. Our job now is to be tough and persevere with the hope and expectation that better times are coming - sooner than later.

I also want to remind everyone that I have an excellent staff who are working tirelessly to help Vermonters. If you are having any problems with federal agencies such as Social Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Medicare, the IRS, the Post Office, Homeland Security or any other entity, please do not hesitate to call us. You can call our office toll free at 1-800-339-9834 or contact us via our website at http://www.sanders.senate.gov/contact/.

This past year there were two very important pieces of legislation passed by Congress and signed by President Biden which will help virtually every Vermonter and all of our communities.  

As Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, I worked hard to write and pass the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – a historic piece of emergency legislation enacted by Congress in March to help jump-start the economy after the onslaught of the pandemic. This legislation provided much-needed direct payments to working class families, supported our health care community, protected the unemployed, fed the hungry, prevented evictions, helped small businesses survive, reduced childhood poverty in the U.S. by more than 50 percent, and expanded the vaccine program to save thousands of lives. The American Rescue Plan Act was the most significant legislation for working families in the modern history of this country. Some of the major gains for Vermonters under the ARPA include:  

  • 89% of Vermont households receiving a direct payment of $1,400 per person, 
  • Increasing and expanding the child tax credit to help 100,000 Vermont children,
  • $45.9 million for hospitals, nursing homes and other health care settings critical to ensuring they could keep their doors open to serve Vermonters
  • $1.2 billion for the state and local government to maintain basic services and employment in the midst of the economic downturn,
  • Significant rent and utility relief to Vermonters who owed thousands of dollars in back rent,  
  • Mortgage assistance to struggling Vermont homeowners,  
  • $27 million to the state for vaccine distribution,  
  • $71.2 million in funding for Vermont summer school and after school programs, 
  • $14.3 million for public transit,  
  • $77 million for restaurant relief, 
  • $24.5 million for arts and theater venues struggling to not shutter across the state, 
  • Broadband funding to assist 10,000 Vermont households,
  • And $33.37 million to Vermont’s 11 federally qualified health centers to expand access to vaccines, provide for ongoing testing and treatment, and ensure Vermonters are getting the care they need to recover from the hardship of the past year.

Also passed in 2021 was the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. As a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, I fought hard to ensure Vermont got its fair share. I’m proud our state is expected to receive at least $2.2 billion – one of the largest infusions of federal money into Vermont in history. The federal investment will not just repair our roads and bridges, but will help clean up Vermont’s drinking water supply, increase access to affordable, reliable internet service, help transition our public transit systems away from fossil fuels and create many good paying jobs. It will also create thousands of good paying jobs in our state.

But well beyond writing legislation in the Senate, one of the best parts of my job is working directly with Vermonters to understand the challenges you face and try to make Washington work for you. Over the past year, I am so grateful that so many Vermonters connected with my office to get help, share your thoughts, or attend an event. Even as the pandemic made it difficult to travel around our state as much as I would have liked, I was glad to be able to visit 48 different Vermont organizations to hear directly from you. Additionally, in 2021, 11,500 Vermonters came out to one of our 17 virtual or in person events; 52,638 of you wrote to me with your thoughts on legislation; and 3,013 Vermonters received assistance with federal programs from our constituent advocates. As we enter 2022, please know that my office is here to help and we look forward to continuing to hear from you.

Once again, let me wish everyone a healthy and happy new year.



How Can We Help?

My Burlington office has a team of experienced caseworkers who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help you, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or (802) 862-0697, or click here

If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here

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