Dear Fellow Vermonter,
To my mind, and I think most Vermonters would agree, art is more than just entertainment. It is more than just a painting here, a performance there.
Great art, in whatever form, can truly help us understand who we are as human beings, as a community, and as a society. Art can be a gateway to the soul and is absolutely essential as we work to create and sustain a more just and humane society.
Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, support and funding for the arts is often the first budgetary item on the chopping block. This is short-sighted and dead wrong. Art is not some kind of superfluous luxury that can be eliminated from our lives and the lives of our children without real cost.
In that regard, I held several town meetings this summer with Grace Potter, one of Vermont’s great singers, and young Vermont artists to hear their music and to discuss with them the important role that the arts play in the lives of young people, our schools, and our communities. What the conversations made clear was this: Not only should we not be cutting back on the arts in our schools and in our communities, we should be expanding them.