For far too long, educators in our country have not been treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve. For far too long, the teaching profession – which is so fundamental and essential to our communities – has been plagued by low pay, stress, and burnout. Further, since the COVID pandemic, many teachers have had to deal with high levels of absenteeism and unprecedented mental health crises.
As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, I am working hard to address these issues and I hope to have some more to share with you soon on that front.
But today I hope you will join me in saying thank you. Because good teachers have had a major impact on all of our lives.
Maybe it was the bus driver who was there for you regardless of the weather.
Or the teacher who helped your child like math again after getting discouraged and wanting to give up.
Or the soccer coach who worked with you to get your grades up.
Or the guidance counselor who helped you see a pathway after high school when none seemed possible.
If you’d like to share a story about a teacher, educator, or school staff member who had a positive impact on you or your family, you can SUBMIT YOUR STORY to the Buzz HERE.
I look forward to hearing from you,