Sen. Rick Scott to Democrats: Put Politics Aside and Pass $13.6 Billion Disaster Relief Package
Ahead of the vote to support the major disaster relief package, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement urging Democrat Senators to put politics aside and join him to provide funding for the Florida Panhandle following the devastation from Hurricane Michael, and $600 million in relief funding for Puerto Rico.
Senator Rick Scott said, “In my short time in Congress, it’s clear that even the most important pieces of legislation get caught up in partisan fights. Now, we are seeing that happen with critical disaster relief funding. I won’t accept this. We are so close to securing funding to help Florida rebuild after the devastation of Hurricane Michael. And back in January, I introduced an amendment to ensure Puerto Rico has the resources they need to recover following Hurricane Maria, and I’m glad this funding is included. It’s time for Democrats to put the needs of American families above politics, and I’m urging every Senator to support this today.” Read more HERE.
El senador Rick Scott a los demócratas: dejen a un lado la política y aprueben el paquete de ayuda para desastres de $13.6 mil millones
Antes de la votación el lunes para apoyar el paquete principal de ayuda en casos de desastre, el senador Rick Scott hizo la siguiente declaración instando a los senadores demócratas a dejar al lado la política y unirse a él para proporcionar fondos para el Panhandle de la Florida luego de la devastación provocada por el huracán Michael y $600 millones en fondos de ayuda para Puerto Rico.
El senador Rick Scott dijo: “En mi corto tiempo en el Congreso, está claro que incluso las leyes más importantes quedan secuestradas en peleas partidistas. Ahora vemos que eso está sucediendo con fondos de ayuda para desastres. No aceptaré esto. Estamos muy cerca de obtener fondos para ayudar en la reconstrucción de la Florida luego de la devastación del huracán Michael. En enero, también presenté una enmienda para garantizar que Puerto Rico tenga los recursos que necesitan para recuperarse luego del huracán María, y me complace que esta enmienda se incluya en el proyecto. Es hora de que los demócratas pongan las necesidades de las familias estadounidenses por encima de la política, e insto a todos los senadores a que apoyen este proyecto hoy”. Lea más AQUÍ.
Sen. Rick Scott at AIPAC: Anti-Semitism Has No Place in the United States
Senator Rick Scott spoke at the 2019 AIPAC Policy Conference on Florida’s continued support of Israel, and the need to stand up against all forms of intolerance and anti-Semitism. Read more, including his remarks as prepared for delivery, HERE.
Sen. Rick Scott to D.O.T. Secretary Chao: Completion of Tamiami Trail Vital to Florida Everglades
Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao urging the department to grant funding through the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program to complete Phase II of the Tamiami Trail Modification Next Step project. Senator Scott is committed to building on his efforts as Governor to complete this critical project, which will significantly increase the flow of water and provide vital health to the Everglades National Park. Over his eight years as Florida’s Governor, Senator Scott championed record funding for the Everglades, Florida’s springs, beaches and state parks, including more than $2 billion to restore the Everglades and South Florida’s ecosystem. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.
Sen. Rick Scott Proposes Five Budget Amendments to Protect Florida Families
Senator Rick Scott introduced five amendments to the Senate’s budget resolution. Senator Scott is a member of the Senate Budget Committee, which met this week to consider the FY 2020 Budget Resolution. These amendments are in addition Senator Scott’s Fighting for Florida budget agenda, which highlights three specific areas the Senator is focused on in the appropriations process.
Senator Rick Scott said, “We need to reform Washington to make it work for families, and that starts with making sure Congress is focused on the right priorities. This budget resolution is an important step to reign in out-of-control spending that has our country headed for a debt crisis. I’m introducing several amendments to the budget resolution that support priorities important to Florida. That includes taking care of those with pre-existing conditions, fighting for disaster relief funding for Florida and Puerto Rico, supporting our military members and their families, and protecting our environment.” Read more HERE.
Then vs. Now: Sen. Rick Scott Calls Out Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Disaster Relief
Senator Rick Scott urged Democrats to recognize their hypocrisy in refusing to support a major disaster relief package that would help Florida recover following the devastation of Hurricane Michael. Significant funding is also included for Puerto Rico because of the amendment Senator Scott proposed in January.
Senator Rick Scott said, “Families in Florida and Puerto Rico need our help, but the Democrats are blocking critical disaster relief funding from getting to the floor. Democrats wouldn’t stand for this when their states were hurting after Hurricane Sandy. Now, every Democrat should have to answer for their hypocrisy. It’s time for Democrats to put the needs of American families above politics, and I’m urging every Senator to support this funding NOW.” Read more HERE.
Sen. Rick Scott, Puerto Rico Officials to Democrats: Stop Stalling Disaster Relief
Senator Rick Scott called on Chuck Schumer and Democrats to recognize their hypocrisy in refusing to support a major disaster relief package that would help Florida and Puerto Rico recover from Hurricanes Michael and Maria. Puerto Rico officials joined Senator Scott in this call for immediate action to pass critical relief funding for families in need. Read more HERE.
Senador Rick Scott, funcionarios de Puerto Rico a los demócratas: basta de detener los fondos para alivio de desastres
El senador Rick Scott le pidió a Chuck Schumer y a los demócratas que reconozcan su hipocresía al negarse a apoyar un importante paquete que incluye fondos para alivio de desastres que ayudaría a la Florida y Puerto Rico a recuperarse de los huracanes Michael y Maria. Los funcionarios de Puerto Rico se unieron al Senador Scott en este llamado para acción inmediata para aprobar fondos de ayuda crítica para las familias necesitadas. Lea más AQUÍ.