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Senator Rick Scott campaigned on a plan to Make Washington Work for Florida families – and a key component of that plan was passed out of committee this week!

Senator Scott’s proposal to prevent Congress from getting paid during a government shutdown was successfully added to the Government Shutdown Accountability Act in this week’s Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting. Senator Scott will continue fighting to reform the dysfunctional ways of Washington so that it actually works for Americans – not for career politicians in D.C.

“If members of Congress cannot work together to pass a budget, they should not be getting paid. It’s pretty simple. If we can’t do our jobs, we shouldn’t get a taxpayer-funded salary. My No Budget, No Pay amendment simply requires Congress to pass an annual budget and meet appropriations bill deadlines, or forgo their own salaries until the job is done. There is no reason members of Congress should be held to a different standard than American families and businesses across the nation. Accountability shouldn’t be controversial.”
- Senator Rick Scott

This week, Senator Scott hosted a Hurricane Preparedness Conference that brought together federal, state, local and private-sector partners to discuss hurricane preparedness and recovery. Senator Scott also spoke at the Atlantic Council on Russia’s continued support of the genocide in Venezuela under Nicolás Maduro.

Senator Scott also sponsored legislation to provide funding for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, which supports 9/11 survivors and first responders who have experienced health issues following the attack, the Defending Domestic Produce Production Act to protect Florida farmers, along with a resolution celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott Co-Sponsors Bill to Support Victims of 9/11 Terrorist Attack

Senator Rick Scott announced his co-sponsorship of the Never Forget the Heroes: Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act. This bipartisan legislation provides funding for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, which supports 9/11 survivors and first responders who have experienced health issues following the attack.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I was in New York City on September 11, 2001, and saw the terror and devastation inflicted on our nation. Americans around the world felt this attack. But for the survivors, first responders, and families of the victims, the tragedy continues each and every day. I will always stand with the survivors, our brave first responders, and the families and loved ones of the innocent victims who were lost that day. I’m honored to support them through the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to House Dems: Stop Stalling on Robocall Fix

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement calling on the House to pass the Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (TRACED) Act to combat abusive robocalls. This legislation was co-sponsored by Senator Scott and passed the Senate last month.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Every day, Americans across the nation, especially our seniors, are inundated with abusive and potentially fraudulent robocalls. I’m glad the Senate overwhelmingly passed the TRACED Act, which I’m proud to co-sponsor. But now it’s been almost a month and the House still hasn’t acted. I can’t understand why Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats don’t want take common sense action to solve this problem for Americans. They need to stop focusing on political games and actually accomplish something like they were elected to do. The House needs to take up and immediately pass the TRACED Act.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott’s No Budget, No Pay Passes Out of Committee

Senator Rick Scott’s proposal to prevent Congress from getting paid during a government shutdown was successfully added to the Government Shutdown Accountability Act in today’s Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting. Senator Scott originally co-sponsored the No Budget, No Pay Act with Senator Mike Braun in January. See more HERE and in the video below. 



Sen. Rick Scott Statement on Confirmation of Florida Judge Allen Winsor

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Judge Allen Winsor to serve as a United States District Judge for the Northern District of Florida. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m thrilled the Senate voted to confirm Allen Winsor to serve as a district judge in the Northern District. Throughout his career, Judge Winsor has demonstrated a respect for the separation of powers and a devotion to the role of the judiciary in our democratic system. As Governor, I had the honor of appointing Judge Winsor to the First District Court of Appeal in 2016, and I know he will continue to fairly uphold the rule of law and serve our state and nation well.” 
Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: The U.S. Stands with Those Fighting for Freedom in Venezuela; Russia Must Take Heed


Senator Rick Scott spoke at the Atlantic Council on the genocide in Venezuela under Nicolás Maduro and Russia’s continued support of Maduro’s oppressive regime.

Read excerpts of his remarks as prepared for delivery below or his full speech HERE.

There’s a genocide happening in Venezuela right now. You know, I’ve actually been criticized for using that word. But I ask my critics, how many children have to die before you call it what it is?

And there is one man responsible for inflicting this genocide on the people of Venezuela: Nicolas Maduro....

The sanctions we’ve placed on Venezuela are starting to have an effect.... 

And yet, Maduro remains in power. The people of Venezuela continue to suffer. And the influence of Cuba, Russia, China, Iran and international terrorist organizations grows.

We MUST do more.

If Russia stops propping up the regime in Caracas, I believe that the dominoes will fall and the people of Venezuela will be free from the evil and tyranny of Maduro.

Right now, President Putin is an active participant in Maduro’s genocide.

  • Russia has welcomed the Petroleos de Venezuela of­fice to Moscow to strength­en its strate­gic part­ner­ship with Venezuela;
  • Russia’s oil company, Rosneft, has provided more than $17 billion in loans to the Chavez-Maduro regime in the last ten years;
  • Russia has taken more than 3 million tons of Venezuelan oil in the past two years; and
  • Russia has helped Maduro export oil to Asia once U.S. sanctions against Venezuela’s oil threatened to dry up revenues.

We cannot allow hostile regimes like Russia, China, and Cuba to continue to train killers, distribute weapons and place military assets in Venezuela.

We need to make Nicolas Maduro a pariah. If we dry up the support coming into Venezuela from Russia, China, Cuba and Iran, Maduro will have no choice but to step aside and let freedom and democracy reign once again.

Russia must take heed: the United States is committed to protecting our national security and preserving the freedoms and democratic government that the people of Venezuela deserve.

We will remember who is with us, and we will remember who is not.

Read more HERE.


Sen. Rick Scott on CNN International: Maduro Should Do the Right Thing and Step Aside 
Watch the full interview below or HERE. 


Sen. Rick Scott in Sarasota Herald-Tribune: I’m Fighting to Give Floridians Every Opportunity to Succeed and Live Their Dreams 

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed on his co-sponsorship of the DRIVE-Safe Act, which aims to alleviate the nation’s truck driver shortage by creating a training program for young adults.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “Right now, our trucking and logistics industry is facing a 50,000-driver shortage that threatens to stunt economic growth. Current federal regulations on interstate commerce prevent trucking companies from hiring entry-level drivers out of high school, adding to the shortage. 

I’m proud to be working to eliminate this unnecessary regulation by co-sponsoring the Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy (DRIVE-Safe) Act, originally introduced by my friend and colleague Sen. Todd Young.

My story is not unlike that of many Americans. I grew up in the Midwest and was raised by two hard-working parents.

I never knew my natural dad, but my adopted father was a World War II veteran, a city bus driver and then a truck driver. He was an American hero who completed all four combat jumps in World War II as a member of the 82nd Airborne.

The DRIVE-Safe Act gives young adults across the nation a chance to enter a high-paying career immediately out of high school. As senator and a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, I will fight to give Floridians every opportunity to succeed and live their American dream — just like my dad.”

Read the full op-ed in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune HERE.

New York Post: Rick Scott becomes latest senator to support 9/11 victim fund

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Backs Permanent Authorization of 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Breitbart: Mike Braun and Rick Scott’s ‘No Budget, No Pay’ Bill Advances Out of Committee

WWSB: Senator Scott’s ‘No Budget, No Pay’ proposal added to Shutdown Accountability Act

Daily Signal: To Whip Congress Into Shape, Withhold Their Pay

Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Scott: Filling the truck-driver gap

Florida Politics: Rick Scott co-sponsors bill to provide relief, school choice to military families

WMFE: Senator Rick Scott Says He Wants To Make Sure Nursing Homes Get Generators Before The First Hurricane Of The Season

Florida Politics: Rick Scott to Donald Trump: Talk about border security

Florida Politics: Rick Scott hosting ‘Hurricane Preparedness Conference’ Monday in Orlando

Atlantic Council: US Senator Condemns Putin's Complicit Role in Venezuela

Florida Politics: ‘Russia must take heed’: Rick Scott blames Moscow for Venezuelan ‘genocide’

NTN 24: Rick Scott: “Si las sanciones no son suficientes, estaremos dispuestos a hacer lo que sea necesario”

Florida Politics: U.S. Senate confirms Allen Winsor to be next federal judge for north Florida

Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Hurricane Preparedness Conference in Orlando


Senator Rick Scott hosted a Hurricane Preparedness Conference at Valencia College in Orlando that brought together federal, state, local and private-sector partners to discuss hurricane preparedness and recovery. Click HERE for video from the conference.

Sen. Rick Scott Highlights Tamiami Trail Project Investment in Miami


Senator Rick Scott visited Everglades Safari Park to highlight the U.S. Department of Transportation’s $60 million investment to raise the unbridged sections of the Tamiami Trail. This announcement follows the letter Senator Scott sent in March to DOT Secretary Elaine Chao urging funding for the project, which is critical to the health of Florida’s Everglades.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m honored to be in the Everglades today to celebrate the beginning of Phase II of the Tamiami Trail project, which is vital to increasing freshwater flows to the Everglades. As Governor, I fought to fund the Tamiami Trail Modification Next Step Phase I, and I thank President Trump and DOT Secretary Elaine Chao for building on our efforts by awarding the $60 million I requested for this vital project. I also want to thank Senator Rubio and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, who put a lot of work into this project. I look forward to continuing this strong federal-state partnership to finish the Tamiami Trail and continue our mission of preserving Florida’s historic Everglades National Park.” Read more HERE.

Also this week in Florida...

Boeing is officially moving their space division to Florida’s Space Coast! The space industry has long been an important and iconic part of Florida’s history and economic success, and with our incredible business climate and low taxes, it’s no surprise that Boeing chose our great state to grow and create more jobs! 

Academy Nominations

Interested in serving our great country? Senator Scott has the honor to nominate candidates for appointment to U.S. Military Academies.Visit our website HERE and spread the word to all individuals seeking appointment to a service academy TODAY!

Judicial Vacancies 

Senator Scott remains committed to filling Florida's federal judicial vacancies in Florida’s Southern District and Middle District with the best-qualified candidates to serve our state and nation. Interested candidates may contact our office or find more information on current federal judicial vacancies HERE.











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