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This week, as students across the state celebrated their graduations, Senator Rick Scott released the below video congratulating the class of 2020. Image


Also this week, Senator Rick Scott joined his colleagues in introducing:

  • The Agency Accountability Act to give Congress the ability to help streamline operations and reduce waste at federal agencies;
  • The bipartisan Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Online Act to ensure that all goods sold online list their country of origin to allow American consumers to make informed decisions, and help promote goods that are made in America; 
  • The COVID-19 Accountability Act to authorize the President to impose sanctions on Communist China if they refuse to cooperate and provide a full accounting of the events leading up to the outbreak of the Coronavirus;  
  • A resolution honoring the life and achievements of Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach Donald Francis Shula; and
  • A resolution designating the week of May 10 through May 16, 2020, as "National Police Week" to recognizing the service of the brave men and women who serve and protect our communities

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott, Colleagues Applaud Passage of Legislation Supporting Taiwan's Inclusion in WHO

Senator Rick Scott, Senator Jim Inhofe and bipartisan colleagues applauded the passage of their legislation calling for the Secretary of State to develop a strategy for Taiwan to regain observer status in the World Health Organization. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “We know that Communist China and the WHO refused to cooperate with Taiwan throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. The WHO is supposed to be about global health, yet they refused to heed warnings from Taiwan. That’s wrong. As Communist China continues to try to crack down on Taiwan’s freedoms, it’s more important than ever that the United States stand strong with our ally. I’m proud to co-sponsor this important legislation to support Taiwan’s efforts to participate in the WHO.” Read more from Senator Inhofe’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Allow Sanctions on China for Coronavirus

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Lindsey Graham and colleagues in introducing the COVID-19 Accountability Act to authorize the President to impose sanctions on Communist China if they refuse to cooperate and provide a full accounting of the events leading up to the outbreak of the Coronavirus.  

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China started a global pandemic and failed to provide any information that could have helped save thousands of lives. They need to be held accountable. If Communist China refuses to be honest about the origins of the Coronavirus, the U.S. will not wait for history to judge them harshly. We will take action and we will do everything we can to hold Communist China accountable for the devastation they have caused around the world.” Read more from Senator Lindsey Graham’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Investment Leaders: Protect Americans from Threat of Communist China

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to U.S. stock exchanges, major pension plans and underwriters urging them to review their policies and discontinue coordination with U.S.-listed Chinese-based companies considering the growing threat of Communist China. In February, Senator Scott expressed his concerns to the SEC Chairman about how U.S.-listed Chinese companies present regulatory, oversight and enforcement challenges that undermine transparency and confidence in American markets. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Agency Accountability Act

Senators Rick Scott, Mike Braun, Mike Crapo and Thom Tillis introduced the Agency Accountability Act to give Congress the ability to help streamline operations and reduce waste at federal agencies. Congress currently has no mechanism to regularly review the efficiency of bloated federal agencies, which would ultimately save taxpayer dollars. The Agency Accountability Act creates a review process to routinely evaluate the efficiency of federal agencies, justify their existence in their current structure, and offer recommendations for change in the form of proposed legislation.  

Senator Rick Scott said, “This year’s federal budget deficit will be the largest in the history of our nation. Congress has to get serious about how we are spending taxpayer dollars. An easy way to do that is to routinely examine efficiencies at our federal agencies. I did it on the state level as Governor of Florida, and it saved Florida taxpayers millions of dollars. The Agency Accountability Act will help eliminate the waste and redundancies that we see throughout the federal government, and is a common sense way to help make Washington work.” Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott and Tammy Baldwin Introduce Legislation Requiring Online Retailers to List Country of Origin on All Products

Senators Rick Scott and Tammy Baldwin introduced the bipartisan Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Online Act to ensure that all goods sold online list their country of origin to allow American consumers to make informed decisions, and help promote goods that are made in America. The COOL Online Act follows Senator Scott’s introduction of the Promoting Responsibility In Markets and E-Retailers (PRIME) Act, which will require online retailers to list the country of origin for each product they sell and requires digital apps to disclose their country of origin. The COOL Online Act is also cosponsored by Senators Chris Murphy and Kelly Loeffler.

Senator Rick Scott said, “American consumers should know where the products they buy are made. Last year, I introduced the PRIME Act to require online retailers to list the country of origin for each product they sell, and I’m proud to partner with Senator Baldwin today on the COOL Online Act as we work to create more transparency in the online retail space so consumers can make informed choices for themselves and their families.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Fox News Radio: America Must Hold Communist China Accountable for the Coronavirus 
Listen to the full interview HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Fox News Radio: Floridians Aren’t Going to Bail out Poorly-Managed States   
Listen to the full interview HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: U.S. Can’t Let Chinese Companies Flout American Laws and Regulations

Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal in response to a recent op-ed criticizing the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) warning about the risks of investing in Chinese companies. Senator Scott has been calling for additional protections and warnings for American investors about how U.S.-listed Chinese companies present regulatory, oversight and enforcement challenges that undermine transparency and confidence in American markets.

In the letter, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “… As government leaders and elected officials, we have a responsibility to protect Americans from our country’s adversaries. For too long we have allowed Chinese companies into U.S. financial markets while not holding them to the same set of rules as American companies…”

Read the full letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal HERE.

Fox Business: Coronavirus will cause businesses, families to work together on safe reopening: Sen. Rick Scott

The Hill: Senate approves bill to sanction China over Uighur rights

The Hill: GOP senators introduce bill permitting Trump to sanction China over failure to cooperate on COVID-19

Washington Examiner: Rick Scott on state bailouts: 'Asking Floridians to pay for the incompetency of governors like Andrew Cuomo'

Newsmax: Rick Scott calls out Andrew Cuomo, state bailouts

Washington Times: GOP senators unveil legislation to impose sanctions on China for failing to cooperate on coronavirus

Fox News Radio: Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL): “No American Should Ever Buy One Product Ever Made From Communist China”

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott to Newsmax TV: Stop Buying Chinese Goods

WJNO: Sen. Rick Scott Says Americans Should Never Buy Anything From China

Florida Politics: Rick Scott calls on Americans to boycott China

Fox News Radio: Sen. Rick Scott Says Liberal Governors Want Taxpayers to Pay For Their Excesses

The Daily Caller: EXCLUSIVE: Senate Republicans Explain How They Plan To Hold China Accountable For Reportedly Delaying Release Of Critical Coronavirus Information

Breitbart: Rick Scott: China Is ‘Not Going to Share’ if It Gets Coronavirus Vaccine First

Breitbart: Exclusive: Rick Scott, GOP Senators Propose to Cut or Abolish Wasteful Federal Agencies

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Introduces Bill to Streamline Federal Agencies

Palm Beach Post: Coronavirus Florida: Rick Scott’s reopen economy plan urges buy American, ramp up testing

WNAX: Senators Introduce Country Of Origin Labeling Online Legislation

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Tammy Baldwin Want County of Origin Labeling for Online Goods

News Service of Florida: Rick Scott, Republicans balk at stimulus funding

Florida Politics: Rick Scott warns investment leaders to shun Chinese assets

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Calls on Investment Leaders to Protect Americans from China

El Politico: ‘Boicotear a China’ pidió Rick Scott a los estadounidenses

Miami Diario: Rick Scott pidió a los estadounidenses no comprar productos hechos de la China comunista

Senator Rick Scott is committed to keeping Florida families safe and healthy. Following the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Senator Rick Scott released a CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document with information on how Floridians can get help amid the Coronavirus crisis and details about the support available to small businesses, individuals, non-profits.  

See the FAQ document HERE or more resources and information available to Floridians by visiting  









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