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Ahead of Memorial Day on Monday, Senator Rick Scott released the video below honoring the brave individuals who have served our great nation in the Armed Forces - our true American heroes. 


Also this week, Senator Rick Scott sponsored:

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott Statement Following FBI Update on NAS Pensacola Attack

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the announcement by Attorney General William Barr and the FBI that the Saudi military trainee who killed three U.S. sailors and wounded several others in the terrorist attack at Naval Air Station Pensacola on December 6th, 2019 was in touch with a suspected al Qaeda operative. After the attack, Senator Scott called for a hard reset of the program and for all Saudi nationals training in the U.S. to be sent home until the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) completed a thorough review of the program.

Senator Rick Scott said, “This announcement confirmed our worst fears – the NAS Pensacola attack was an act of terror on American soil. And it confirms that now is the time to take action to correct the unnecessary risk revealed by this attack. This terrorist should never have been allowed in our country, let alone on an American military base with easy access to American military men and women. Congress needs to pass my Secure U.S. Bases Act, which will make sure foreign military students training at U.S. bases are thoroughly vetted and monitored, and that our troops are protected and never have to experience a tragedy like this again.” Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton Urge Banking Committee to Take Up EQUITABLE Act 

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton in a letter urging leadership of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs to quickly consider and pass the bipartisan, bicameral Ensuring Quality Information and Transparency for Abroad-Based Listings on our Exchanges (EQUITABLE) Act and report it to the full Senate. The EQUITABLE Act would increase oversight of Chinese and other foreign companies listed on American exchanges and delist firms that are out of compliance with U.S. regulations for a period of three years. Read more, including the full letter, from Senator Rubio’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Nursing Homes Taking Stimulus Payments from Seniors Should Be Ashamed

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that nursing homes in several states are requesting residents sign over their stimulus checks. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “I am sickened to hear reports that nursing homes are stealing stimulus checks from seniors. It is disgusting and unthinkable that anyone would EVER take from our most vulnerable, especially in the middle of a crisis. Anyone found to be withholding checks from seniors will be held accountable to the full extent of the law. As a member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, I will be working with my colleagues on ways to address and remedy this issue immediately so these citizens can receive the money they are entitled to.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Requests Additional Information on Impact of Coronavirus on Federal Revenue Loss

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Swagel asking him about the impact of the Coronavirus on federal revenue losses. This follows the CBO’s Monthly Budget Review for April 2020, which reported that the federal deficit stood at an estimated $737 billion in the month of April, compared to a surplus of $160 billion in April 2019. Senator Scott is focused on taking significant action to address our federal debt crisis after the nation solves the Coronavirus pandemic to ensure our future economic stability and success. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Bill to Protect COVID-19 Vaccine Research from Communist China

Senators Rick Scott, Mike Braun, Marsha Blackburn, Joni Ernst, Martha McSally, Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz introduced the COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Act to prevent Communist China from stealing or sabotaging American COVID-19 vaccine research. The bill requires a thorough national security evaluation and clearance by the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation of all Chinese student visa holders taking part in activities related to COVID-19 vaccine research.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China is responsible for the Coronavirus pandemic, and their lies and misinformation cost American lives. We cannot let Communist China off the hook for this, and we absolutely cannot allow Communist China to steal or sabotage any American research efforts related to the Coronavirus vaccine. The COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Act protects American efforts to create a vaccine as we work to end this pandemic.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Fox News: Floridians Will Not Bail Out States Refusing to Live Within Their Means 
Watch the full interview HERE or below.


Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: Floridians Shouldn’t Have to Pay for New York’s Bad Budget Decisions

Senator Rick Scott has been working to ensure Florida taxpayers’ dollars are not spent bailing out states like New York from their poor budget decisions over the past few decades. This week, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board agreed. 

Read more from the Wall Street Journal editorial, Should Florida Bail Out New York?, below:

“…The policy question is why taxpayers in Florida and other well-managed states should pay higher taxes to rescue an Albany political class that refuses to restrain its tax-and-spend governance. Public unions soak up an ever-larger share of tax dollars, but Albany refuses to change. Mr. Scott is right.”

Read the full editorial in the Wall Street Journal HERE.

Larry Kudlow Backs Sen. Rick Scott's Call to Crack Down on Chinese-Owned Companies

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow appeared on Fox Business to discuss the need for the U.S. to crack down on Chinese-owned companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges. This follows Senator Scott’s calls for additional protections and warnings for American investors about how U.S.-listed Chinese companies present regulatory, oversight and enforcement challenges that undermine transparency and confidence in American markets.

Watch the clip on Fox Business HERE.

Fox News: Sen. Rick Scott Bill Would Protect Coronavirus Vaccine Research from China

Senators Rick Scott, Mike Braun, Marsha Blackburn, Joni Ernst, Martha McSally, Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz introduced the COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Act to prevent Communist China from stealing or sabotaging American COVID-19 vaccine research. The bill requires a thorough national security evaluation and clearance by the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation of all Chinese student visa holders taking part in activities related to COVID-19 vaccine research. 

Read more in the Fox News article, Sen. Rick Scott bill would protect coronavirus vaccine research from China, below:

“… The bill will require a national security evaluation and clearance by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for all Chinese student visa holders who are taking part in any activities related to coronavirus vaccine research. 

In a statement about the bill, Scott said, ‘Communist China is responsible for the Coronavirus pandemic, and their lies and misinformation cost American lives. We cannot let Communist China off the hook for this, and we absolutely cannot allow Communist China to steal or sabotage any American research efforts related to the Coronavirus vaccine. The COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Act protects American efforts to create a vaccine as we work to end this pandemic.’

… This isn't the first time Scott has led the U.S. charge against China. In an exclusive interview with Fox News earlier this month, Scott pledged to hold the Chinese government and the World Health Organization (WHO) accountable for their role in the current pandemic.

‘We know the Chinese numbers don't appear to be accurate at all,’ Scott previously told Fox News. ‘We have to remember -- every time I talk about China I say, remember it's Communist China, run by the Communist Party of China. Don't ever forget who they are. You may have friends that live in Communist China but they aren't the ones running the country.’ 

He added, ‘The Communist Party runs the country. They make all these decisions and they're anti-American, they want world domination. They're not a competitor, they are an adversary now.…’”

Read the full article in Fox News HERE.

Fox News: Sen. Scott on reopening economy: Americans know what to do, quit telling us how to lead our lives

Fox News: Sen. Scott blasts Gov. Cuomo, says 'media wants to attack Republicans and support Democrats

Fox Business: America must stop buying China's goods, services: Sen. Rick Scott

The Hugh Hewitt Show: Senator Rick Scott of Florida On Phase Four

Sports Illustrated: Senate Resolution Honors Shula

Miami Herald: Coach Don Shula honored by U.S. Senate resolution, joins U.S. Congressional Record

Sun Sentinel: Late Dolphins coach Don Shula honored by U.S. Senate with congressional resolution

National Review: Exclusive: Republican Senators Call On DOJ to Investigate Planned Parenthood for Fraud

WWSB: Sen. Rick Scott urges DOJ investigation after Planned Parenthood receives PPP

The Federalist: Senators Ask How Planned Parenthood Got $80 Million In Federal Loans Intended For Small Businesses

The Daily Caller: EXCLUSIVE: ‘We Won, He Lost’: Rick Scott Goes Off On Andrew Cuomo Over State Bailouts

Breitbart: ‘No Question About It’ — Sen. Rick Scott Says U.S. in ‘Cold War 2’ with China

The Epoch Times: US Lawmakers Seek to Bar Federal Employees From Using TikTok

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott Tweets Support for Cuban Freedom Fighters

Newsmax: Scott Slams Cuomo: Ex-New Yorkers Shouldn't Keep Paying Its Bills

Space News: Senators ask Air Force to not terminate partnerships with space launch industry

WEAR: Sen. Rick Scott pushes for change in foreign military training programs

Florida Politics: ‘Worst fears confirmed’: Rick Scott redoubles post-Pensacola call for terror safeguards

Florida Daily: After Pensacola Terrorist Connected to Al Qaeda, Florida Republicans Push Bill Reforming Training for Foreign Nationals

Florida Daily: With Strong Support of Florida Delegation, Congress Passes Bill Expanding Holocaust Education

Florida Politics: ‘Slipping away’: Rick Scott sees China losing Hong Kong

Florida Politics: Rick Scott declares ‘new Cold War’ with Communist China

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Call for More Regulatory Relief for Businesses During Coronavirus Pandemic

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Call on Banking Committee to Take Up Equitable Act

El Nuevo Herald: La Influencia de China comunista en América Latina

Senator Rick Scott is committed to keeping Florida families safe and healthy. Following the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Senator Rick Scott released a CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document with information on how Floridians can get help amid the Coronavirus crisis and details about the support available to small businesses, individuals, non-profits.  

See the FAQ document HERE or more resources and information available to Floridians by visiting









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