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This week, Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio introduced a resolution recognizing the anniversary of the terror attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016, and honoring the 49 innocent lives lost in this senseless tragedy. This resolution passed the Senate by unanimous consent.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Floridians will never forget the horrific events of June 12, 2016 – the day our state, nation, the City of Orlando, and Hispanic and gay communities were attacked in an act of terror, and 49 innocent lives were lost. It was an evil act designed to divide us as a nation and put fear in our hearts and minds. But we didn’t let it. We came together and supported each other. The weeks following the shooting will always stay with me – days spent in hospitals with families, at funerals and wakes with loved ones, and countless events throughout the community. I saw firsthand the incredible resilience, love and bravery that uplifted the community during one of the hardest times our state has seen. And on the fourth anniversary of this tragedy, Senator Rubio and I join all Floridians in honoring the lives lost far too soon, and vow to always stand up and fight against evil and hatred in this world.”

Senator Scott also spoke on the Senate floor recognizing Pulse Remembrance Day and honoring the 49 lives lost in the horrific shooting. Watch his speech HERE or below.


See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott: Attempts by the Radical Left to Defund the Police are Dangerous and Short-Sighted

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following calls by the Left to defund the police.

Senator Rick Scott said, “What happened to George Floyd was a murder. The actions of these officers were antithetical to the pledge law enforcement officers around the country take to serve and protect. I’ve spent a great deal of time talking with law enforcement officers in recent days and they are all disgusted by the abuse of power and the callous disregard for human life on display in the murder of George Floyd. While the vast majority of police officers in Florida and around the country uphold their oath to serve and protect, Americans across the country are right to call for reform and accountability to stop bad actors. We must find ways to keep communities safe and stop the tragic and far too common deaths of black lives. But defunding or disarming the police is not the answer, and is a dangerous proposal driven by the radical Left.

“The goal of these proposals is to advance an extremist agenda, not seek genuine reforms that will protect communities and end racial violence. Stripping our brave men and women in uniform of the resources necessary to protect our communities would do nothing to keep Americans safe. In fact, this would endanger our communities more. Law enforcement officers across Florida risk their lives every day to keep people safe. I won’t let the radical Left use the crimes of a few bad actors to demonize good, hard-working police officers in Florida.” Read more HERE.


Senator Rick Scott Urges Administration to Stand Strong and Take Action to Hold Cuban Regime Accountable

Senator Rick Scott urged the Trump Administration to continue to take concrete steps to hold the Cuban regime accountable, following their decision to revoke Marriott International’s license to operate in Cuba. Senator Scott is focused on securing a stronger and more vibrant Latin America – with the understanding that ending the Cuban dictatorship will lead to greater stability and freedom for the entire region.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I applaud the Trump Administration for taking important steps to hold the Cuban regime accountable, and for their commitment to freedom and democracy in our hemisphere. The decision to revoke Marriott International’s license to operate in Cuba sends a clear message that the United States is committed to fighting for a new day of freedom for Cuba and its people. The violence, instability and chaos we see in Latin America is directly tied to the oppressive Cuban regime, which continues to prop up dangerous dictators throughout the region, including Maduro in Venezuela and Ortega in Nicaragua. All U.S. companies should think twice before investing in Cuba.

“Limiting the flow of money to Cuba and implementing more sanctions is critical to freeing Venezuela and protecting the national security of the United States. Today, I am urging the Administration to take a number of steps against the Cuban regime to continue the fight for freedom.” Read more HERE.

El senador Rick Scott insta a la Administración a mantenerse firme y tomar medidas para responsabilizar al régimen cubano

El senador Rick Scott instó hoy a la Administración Trump a continuar tomando medidas concretas para responsabilizar al régimen cubano, luego de su decisión el viernes de revocar la licencia de Marriott Internacional para operar en Cuba. El senador Scott está enfocado en asegurar una América Latina más fuerte y vibrante, con el entendimiento de que poner fin a la dictadura cubana conducirá a una mayor estabilidad y libertad para toda la región.

El senador Rick Scott dijo: “Aplaudo a la Administración Trump por tomar medidas importantes para responsabilizar al régimen cubano y por su compromiso con la libertad y la democracia en nuestro hemisferio. La decisión de revocar la licencia de Marriott Internacional para operar en Cuba envía un mensaje claro de que los Estados Unidos está comprometido a luchar por un nuevo día de libertad para Cuba y su gente. La violencia, la inestabilidad y el caos que vemos en América Latina están directamente vinculados al opresivo régimen cubano, que continúa apoyando a dictadores peligrosos en toda la región, incluidos Maduro en Venezuela y Ortega en Nicaragua. Todas las compañías en los EE. UU. deben pensar antes de invertir en Cuba.

“Limitar el flujo de dinero a Cuba e implementar más sanciones es crítico para liberar a Venezuela y proteger la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos. Hoy, exhorto a la Administración a que tome las siguientes medidas en contra del régimen cubano para continuar luchando por la libertad”. Lea más AQUÍ.

Senate Dems Block Sen. Rick Scott Legislation to Protect Vaccine Research from Communist China

Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor requesting immediate passage of his COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Act to prevent Communist China from stealing or sabotaging American COVID-19 vaccine research, which comes as U.S. intelligence agencies warn American firms of this threat. Unfortunately, Senator Scott’s effort was blocked by Senate Democrats, even as American lives depend on the rapid development of this vaccine. 

See more in the video HERE or below. 


Sen. Rick Scott Fights to Keep Oil Drilling Off Florida’s Gulf Coast

During debate on the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the Great American Outdoors Act, Senator Rick Scott fought to include provisions to protect Florida’s coasts from offshore drilling.

Senator Rick Scott said, “As Governor of Florida, I fought for and secured a commitment from this Administration to keep oil drilling off Florida’s coasts. As U.S. Senator, I won’t stop fighting to make sure offshore drilling is off the table for Florida. I’m proposing several amendments to extend the moratorium on oil drilling off Florida’s Gulf Coast and protect our environment. This fight isn’t over, and I will keep working with Senator Rubio and the entire Florida delegation to make sure Florida’s natural resources are preserved so the state can remain a top destination for families, visitors and businesses.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Applauds Federal Funding to Support Survivors of Shooting at Parkland High School

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the announcement of nearly $10 million in grant funding through the Justice Department’s Office for Victims of Crime to support survivors of the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, 2018, where 17 lives were lost. This funding will help provide ongoing trauma-informed, evidence-based healing and resiliency services to the students, families, employees, and first responders who survived the tragic shooting.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the loss of 17 innocent lives was heartbreaking for the entire school, Parkland community, and state of Florida. This heartbreak lives on every day for the survivors, family members and first responders involved. Following the shooting, I spent countless hours with the families of the victims, and we worked together to provide help and support for the community, and we made changes to prevent future tragedies. But, so many survivors are still suffering from the impacts of the horrific act of violence and the devastating loss of loved ones. I’m incredibly grateful to the Administration for providing this funding and continuing to work to support this brave community.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Fighting to Protect U.S. Military Bases and Keep Oil Drilling Off Florida’s Coasts in NDAA

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after the Senate Armed Services Committee passed the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes Senator Scott’s Secure U.S. Bases Act, cosponsored by Senator Joni Ernst, to reform and improve foreign military student training programs following the terrorist attack at Naval Air Station Pensacola on December 6th, 2019. The Secure U.S. Bases Act requires a thorough vetting process before a foreign student enters the U.S., requires foreign students to follow rules established by U.S. Base Commanders and vastly improves the security of our military installations, service members, their families and the surrounding communities.

Senator Scott also proposed two amendments to the NDAA to protect Florida’s Gulf Coast from offshore drilling:

  • An amendment requiring the Department of Defense to report on the importance of the Gulf Test Range, which was included in the measure. The range is currently used for vital military testing and training and is critical to our national security. Offshore drilling in the area would pose significant risks to the environment and economy. 
  • An amendment to extend the moratorium on offshore drilling for another 25 years. Senator Scott is committed to protecting Florida’s coastline from the potential risks from offshore drilling, and will continue to work to extend the moratorium.

Senator Rick Scott said, “This year’s National Defense Authorization Act is a great win for our national security. As threats around the world continue to grow – including the threat from Communist China – it’s imperative we are providing our brave men and women in uniform the resources they need to protect our nation and our allies. I successfully fought to include my Secure U.S. Bases Act in the NDAA, which will make sure foreign military students training at U.S. bases are thoroughly vetted and monitored, and that our troops are protected and never have to experience a tragedy like the one that occurred at NAS Pensacola again. This is a huge step to ensuring the safety of our military members and their families. 

“I’m disappointed my colleagues decided not to include my amendment to extend the moratorium on offshore drilling in the Eastern Gulf, but I’m glad my amendment to highlight the importance of the Gulf Test Range was included. This fight isn’t over, and I will keep working to protect Florida’s natural resources for generations to come.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Requests Plan to Hold Communist China Accountable for Failure to Comply with Phase 1 Trade Deal

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer requesting information about Communist China’s failures to live up to its commitments in the Phase 1 Trade Deal. Senator Scott continues to advocate for free trade agreements around the world, but nations like Communist China must be held accountable if they refuse to cooperate. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on BBC: We Cannot Let Communist China Sabotage U.S. Progress on Coronavirus Vaccine 
Watch the interview HERE or below.


Sen. Rick Scott in The Sydney Morning Herald: America, Australia and Allies Must Unite Against Communist China’s Mission for World Domination

Senator Rick Scott is calling for all freedom-loving nations, including Australia and the United Kingdom, to join the United States in standing up against Communist China and its mission for world domination.   

Read more in The Sydney Morning Herald article, 'They want world domination': Australia urged to join 'cold war' on China, below:
“… Referring to traditional US allies such as Australia, Scott said: ‘We ought to do this together. All democracies are going to have to say to themselves: are they going to continue to appease the Communist Party of China, which is clearly focused on world domination and has taken jobs from democracies all over the world and stolen technologies from all over the world?’

… Even in a US Congress that has grown increasingly sceptical towards China over recent years, Scott has stood out for his particularly hardline stance towards the rising superpower. He has called for Americans to boycott all Chinese goods, urged the International Olympic Committee to strip Beijing of the 2022 Winter Olympics and accused China of trying to sabotage US efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Elaborating on his views of the Chinese regime, Scott said: ‘They don't believe in human rights. They don't believe in free trade, they don't believe in fair trade. They don't believe in the rule of law. They don't want to be a caring world citizen. They're willing to take away people's rights. I'm disgusted with how they treated Uighurs and how they treated Hong Kong citizens.’” 

Read the full article in The Sydney Morning Herald HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in New York Post: Andrew Cuomo’s Sad Bid to Blame Florida for New York’s Mismanagement

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the New York Post on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s refusal to accept responsibility for his years of budget mismanagement, and instead choosing to beg the federal government for a bailout at the expense of Florida taxpayers. 

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “Recently, Gov. Andrew Cuomo used one of his daily news briefings to attack me. He’s been doing that a lot lately. And again, he begged for a bailout from the federal government to fund his years of fiscal mismanagement. He argued that his state gives more to the federal government than it gets in return and that Florida gets more than it pays in. Therefore, Floridians should be sympathetic to his demand for a bailout.

There is just one problem with the governor’s line of argument: It’s a bald-faced lie.

… Here’s what’s actually happening.

When New Yorkers get sick of paying not just their federal taxes, but the high state and sales taxes Cuomo loves, they move down to Florida, where the state taxes are low. If they are eligible, like the millions enjoying retirement in Florida, they collect from Social Security and Medicare after years of paying into those federal programs while living in New York. They may have had a high-paying job in New York and finally wised up and realized they could save a lot more of their own money if they lived in Florida.

The result: Cuomo is now facing a massive shortfall in revenue. Because he didn’t plan for emergencies and use state tax dollars wisely, he wants to put every American on the hook, including those who fled his state, to bail him out. 

… Instead of preparing and budgeting wisely, Cuomo has consistently misused taxpayer dollars and refused to ever cut government waste. Out-of-control-spending deals with labor unions, for example, result in New York tunneling projects costing three to four times more than those in Europe.

Cuomo has labeled my stand for fiscal responsibility ‘un-American.’ But I think fighting to preserve a fiscal future for the next generations is the most American thing I can do.”

Read the full op-ed in the New York Post HERE.

The Villages Daily Sun: WWII’s last legion: lessons from D-Day

Reuters: U.S. senator Scott says China trying to sabotage vaccine development

BBC: Coronavirus: US-China virus row flares with senator's comments

Sydney Morning Herald: 'They want world domination': Australia urged to join 'cold war' on China

Daily Express: US official urges Australia to cooperate in ‘cold war’ against China

The Standard: China sabotaging virus vaccine, US Senator Rick Scott charges

International Business Times: US Senator Scott Claims China Is Trying to Sabotage Vaccine Development

International Business Times: US-China ‘Cold War’: GOP Senator Wants Australia To Play Crucial Role

The Hill: Scott: China trying to sabotage, slow COVID-19 vaccine development

New York Post: Rick Scott accuses China of trying to sabotage coronavirus vaccine

Newsweek: China Vows to Share COVID-19 Vaccine, But U.S. Senator Claims Beijing is Trying to 'Sabotage' American Treatment Efforts

Breitbart: Sen. Rick Scott: Not ‘Fair’ for Florida Taxpayers to Bail Out New York for Cuomo’s Poor Budget Handling

The Epoch Times: US Senator Wants Australia and Allies to Join a New Cold War Against Chinese Communism

WMFE: Bipartisan Bill Bolsters U.S. Commercial Space Industry

WJNO: Senator Scott Calls Defunding Police Dangerous

Northwest Florida Daily News: Proposal to protect eastern Gulf from oil and gas exploration is rejected

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Plans to Continue Opposing Efforts to Open Up the Eastern Gulf to Drilling

Florida Politics: Rick Scott presses Zoom into reopening U.S.-based Chinese dissident’s account

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Wants Information on State Department’s Plan to Support Hong Kongers Fleeing Communist China

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Calls on Trump Administration to Do More to Hold Cuban Regime Accountable

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Offer Resolution Honoring the Lives Lost at the Pulse Nightclub Shooting

Diario de Cuba: El senador Rick Scott pide a Trump más sanciones que limiten el flujo de dinero al régimen cubano

The 2020 Hurricane Season is underway, and Senator Rick Scott is urging Floridians to take action and prepare NOW. Although preparing for a storm might look a little different amid the coronavirus, we cannot let our guards down, and must do everything we can to ensure our families stay safe.

Read more on how to protect yourself and others from the Coronavirus while preparing for hurricane season from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) HERE, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) HERE, or by visiting

Senator Rick Scott is committed to keeping Florida families safe and healthy. Following the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Senator Rick Scott released a CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document with information on how Floridians can get help amid the coronavirus crisis and details about the support available to small businesses, individuals, non-profits.   

See the FAQ document HERE or more resources and information available to Floridians by visiting






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