

The ongoing attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israeli civilians are appalling. These terrorists are killing families, dragging women’s bodies in the streets, and torturing children.

The United States must stand with Israel and support its right to defend itself and confront this violence. Congress and the Biden Administration should quickly approve and fulfill any urgent Israeli requests for assistance and do all we can to fully support Israel.

Hamas is a terrorist organization funded by the Iranian regime, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. Iran is behind the actions of Hamas, and there is no way that Hamas planned and executed such a broad attack without Iran’s support and approval. I have always opposed policies supported by many in the Obama and Biden Administrations to appease and enrich Iran. 

At this critical time, we must stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.


Discussing the Situation in Israel


I spoke with WPTA in Fort Wayne about the situation in Israel. Click here or above to watch the video.


Parkview Health Demonstrates Technology


I recently visited the Parkview Health Sim Lab in Fort Wayne to learn about some of the ways technology is being used to provide enhanced health care for Hoosiers.


FCC's Internet Takeover Threatens Progress

I joined with more than 40 of my Senate colleagues in sending a letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel urging her to abandon her proposal to reinstate the failed, heavy-handed Obama-era regulations of the internet. Following the repeal of the Obama-era rules in 2017, partisan claims about what would happen – most notably that Americans would get the internet one word at a time – were debunked and proven to be completely false.

Re-imposing heavy-handed, public-utility regulations on the internet would threaten the progress our country has made since 2017, and it would steer our country out of the fast lane and into a world of less competition, less choice, less investment, slower speeds, and higher prices. Further, the FCC lacks this statutory authority over broadband internet access. Any attempt by the FCC to reinstate net neutrality regulations and the onerous rules of Title II on internet service providers will not survive judicial review. The FCC has pushed net neutrality and already lost in court – more than once – and two of President Obama’s former solicitors general have warned that reclassification by the FCC cannot survive the major questions doctrine.

Read more here.


Hoosiers Recognize National Manufacturing Day


Last Friday, we celebrated National Manufacturing Day.

I released this short video to recognize all who contribute to manufacturing across Indiana, the most manufacturing intensive state in the country. 

Click here or above to watch the video.


Local News

Indianapolis Business Journal: With $111M Investment, Indiana University Betting Big on Microelectronics

AM 1050: Senator Young, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Strengthen Oversight of U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreements

Tristate Homepage: Senator Young Joins Republican Colleagues to Speak Out Against FCC's Internet Regulations Proposal

Northwest Indiana Times: Hoosier Leaders Express Support for Israel Following Attack

IndyStar: Indiana Politicians Condemn Hamas, Express Support for Israel After Attack


Thank you for the continued privilege to serve you in the U.S. Senate. My mission is to fight on behalf of Hoosiers and the interests that are unique to our state. I look forward to working with you, and sharing our progress, in the days ahead. 

In Service,



