Led Passage of Six FY 2024 Government Funding Bills
$426.6 Million included for 168 Congressionally Directed Spending projects throughout Maine
Last Friday, by a vote of 75-22, the U.S. Senate passed a six-bill Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) appropriations package that averted a government shutdown of several federal agencies and many essential programs. Senator Collins, Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, was a lead negotiator of the bipartisan legislation that was signed into law over the weekend.
“This package fully funds veterans’ medical care, supports our farmers, fishermen, and ranchers, protects our nation’s food and drug supply, provides critical resources for law enforcement, helps us better compete with China, advances American energy independence, and invests in our nation’s infrastructure and national parks,” Senator Collins said in a speech from the Senate floor.
The six-bill appropriations package includes a total of $426.6 million for 168 Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) projects championed by Senator Collins, with projects located in all of Maine’s 16 counties.
Attended Senate Youth Program Reception
On Wednesday, Senator Collins attended a reception hosted by the Senate Youth Program.
Senator Collins met with Maine Senate Youth Program delegates Ryan Hafener of Hampden and Claire Ouellette of Caribou.
Claire is the president of both the Student Council and the National Honor Society at Caribou High School. She also participates in Relay for Life, band, cheerleading, and Key Club.
Ryan is the co-chair of the Maine Department of Education’s Student Cabinet and the president of the Hampden Academy Student Council. He also spent last summer interning at the Maine DOE’s Policy and Government Affairs Office.
Hosted Mainers for Constituent Coffee
This week, Senator Collins hosted Mainers for two Constituent Coffee events in her Washington office.
Senator Collins met with Sharon Gadbois of Biddeford (pictured above left), and Jeremy, Marissa, Autumn, and Zachary Pierce of Farmington (pictured above right).
She also met with the Rev. Dave Dalzell of Kittery (pictured above left) and Debra Violette of Augusta (pictured above right) as well as other groups and organizations.
Met with Maine VFW
Senator Collins met with leaders of the Maine Veterans of Foreign Wars this week in Washington.
Senator Collins is a proud member of the VFW Auxiliary in her hometown of Caribou. It is one of her top priorities to ensure that veterans have access to the health care and benefits they have earned through their service.
Attended Maine Credit Union Breakfast
Senator Collins was pleased to welcome the Maine Credit Union League to Washington and speak at their annual breakfast, as she has every year.
Maine’s credit unions are characterized by community spirit and play a key role in strengthening our state’s economy.
Highlighted Aroostook County Program at Senate Health Hearing
Senator Collins questioned George Mason nursing professor Dr. Martha Kubik on the importance of funding evidence-based programs for falls prevention at the federal level.
In her questioning, Senator Collins highlighted the innovative work happening at the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging and the Bangor Region YMCA to prevent seniors from falling.
Watch Senator Collins’ questioning here.
Maine Woman Sails Around the World
Photo: Global Solo Challenge Facebook
Cole Brauer of Boothbay has become the first American woman to ever sail solo nonstop around the world.
Congratulations, Cole, on this incredible accomplishment!
413 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2523
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