
Important Step Forward on Bipartisan Infrastructure Negotiations


Last week, the U.S. Senate voted 67 to 32 to begin debate on the bipartisan infrastructure proposal – it's a good bill, it's not perfect, but it's a negotiated bill. For too long, America’s infrastructure needs have gone unaddressed as partisan politics delayed efforts to meet the needs of our citizens. No longer. 

I'm a part of the bipartisan group of 22 pragmatic Senators that worked to produce an agreement that will invest in American infrastructure to support our economy, our communities, and our health. From repairs to our crumbling roads and bridges to funding to confront the threat of climate change and additional resources for our ports and public transit, this legislation will make a major difference in the lives of American people. 

I’m particularly pleased that it includes a historic $65 billion investment in broadband infrastructure that expands on a bipartisan bill I introduced with Senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Michael Bennet (D-CO). These funds will help Americans across the nation fully participate in the 21st century economy, regardless of where they live. By improving access to high-speed, affordable broadband internet, this infrastructure bill could very well mean just as much to rural America as electrification did for us generations ago.

The vote to begin debate on this bill passed the Senate by an impressive margin, and it's an important first step – but there’s a lot more work to do. In the days ahead, I’m committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to turn this proposal into law.

Our National Parks, More Popular Than Ever – A Mixed Blessing?


Watching the sun rise from the top of Cadillac Mountain is a wonderful experience. Staring at the tail lights of the car in front of you as you're trying to get up the mountain and find a parking place? Not so much.

Maine's Acadia National Park and many other national parks around the country are seeing record visitor numbers as eager Americans head back outdoors after being stuck inside for more than a year. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Parks, I held a hearing this past Wednesday to examine the effects of overcrowding in our national parks and explore solutions that protect our natural resources and support visitor experiences. Year after year, residents and tourists alike deal with vehicle congestion, staffing shortages, and reservation difficulties as they try to access their favorite outdoor spots. I’d rather have this problem than its opposite, but what questions should we be asking?  What new approaches could we be considering?


We must recognize that overcrowding in the parks, itself, can degrade the natural resources and wildlife that these units are designed to protect – causing us to accidentally love our parks to death. Additionally, overcrowding can also significantly harm the visitor experience and strain the resources of gateway communities, souring what should be a once in a lifetime vacation.

That’s why I called this hearing, and why I’ll continue to explore solutions to manage overcrowding so that everyone can enjoy our beloved national parks.

Read more:

Supporting America's Servicemembers and Shipbuilders


Earlier this month, I joined Congressman Jared Golden (D-Maine) to host Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks at Bath Iron Works (BIW). It was an incredible tour that gave the Deputy Secretary a first hand look at our talented shipbuilders and the work that BIW does to support the U.S. Navy.

Soon after that visit, good news came for Maine shipbuilders. During the Senate Armed Services Committee’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022, I helped secure the authorization of a second DDG-51 Flight III destroyer – ships that are built only at Bath and one other shipyard in the country. The Navy’s FY22 budget request originally included only one ship, breaking the multiyear procurement contract agreed to years ago and threatening our shipyards and our national security.

Beyond fulfilling the commitment in the multiyear procurement for DDG-51s, the NDAA supports the important work done at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, invests in critical cybersecurity initiatives, advances much-needed improvements to modernize our nuclear triad, and provides a well-deserved raise for America’s servicemembers. Here are more key wins:

  • STRENGTHENS AMERICA’S ARCTIC LEADERSHIP. With Maine positioned to leverage increased activity and opportunities in the Far North, Senator King serves as Co-Chair of the Senate Arctic Caucus. This year’s NDAA establishes the Arctic Security Initiative, based on legislation by Senator King to improve Department of Defense coordination to achieve U.S. objectives in the Arctic.
  • SUPPLIES MILITARY PERSONNEL WITH HIGH-QUALITY, MAINE-MADE EQUIPMENT. The NDAA authorizes $5 billion for the F-35 program purchase, repairs and support which includes components produced by Maine companies. The legislation also authorizes $250 million in funding to purchase 2 CH-53K helicopters, which include components produced at Hunting Dearborn in Fryeburg.
  • BOLSTERS AMERICAN ALLIANCES AND STRENGTHENS DIPLOMACY. The legislation includes steps to strengthen existing U.S. alliances and partnerships, build mutually beneficial new partnerships, and leverage opportunities in international cooperation to ensure U.S. success in competition against other great powers. The bill also requires the Secretary of Defense to provide to Congress a report on the feasibility and advisability of establishing improved military-to-military communications with China for crisis situations – a topic Senator King has repeatedly raised in the Senate Armed Services Committee.

July Policy Update


As a reminder, you can read more on my regularly updated press release page at Here are some other priorities I’ve been working on:

  • Expanding credit opportunity. I cosponsored the Credit Access and Inclusion Act of 2021 to expand access to credit for an estimated 45 million Americans who have either no credit history or a credit history that is too scarcely populated to generate a credit score. Paying your rent or light bill on time should help you build a credit rating, and that’s not the case right now – this seems like an easy fix. Read more HERE
  • Supporting expansion of broadband access. I introduced the Middle Mile Broadband Deployment Act to build needed “middle-mile” broadband infrastructure, which is essential to connect internet carriers to local networks and community institutions and increase affordable broadband access to unserved and underserved communities. 
  • Establishing a federal office dedicated to cybersecurity. Earlier this month, I applauded the swearing-in of Chris Inglis, the first-ever National Cyber Director (NCD). In order for Director Inglis to do his job, he needs a talented and professional staff – which is why I'm pleased to announce that the U.S. Senate unanimously passed bipartisan legislation that I introduced to staff the NCD's office. 
  • Protecting Afghan allies. I cosponsored the Afghan Allies Protection Act, to strengthen the Special Immigrant Visa program and help protect the Afghan civilians who risked their lives to support the U.S. mission. Read more HERE

Discussing National Security Threats with Congressman Mike Gallagher and Admiral James Stavridis


I was delighted to welcome Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-Wisconsin) and best-selling author Admiral James Stavridis on July's edition of Inside Maine to discuss the looming threat of China. During the conversation, we discussed imminent threats that China poses to U.S. national security and the importance of bolstering our defenses – including in the cyberworld, our fifth domain. 

The “Inside Maine Podcast with Senator Angus King” is a 30-minute program that aims to help keep Maine people informed about issues of the day, how they affect life in the state, and how they factor into my work as one of two Independents in the U.S. Senate. The program builds on my existing radio show that airs on Newsradio WGAN in Portland, Maine between 10 and 11 a.m. on almost every last Saturday of the month. The link to the July podcast can be found HERE

Celebrating Maine Musicians 

Scenes from local music festivals throughout Maine

ImageMoosehead music! It was a true honor to attend the first in what we hope will be an annual event – Moosehead Music Festival in Greenville. Above is a shot of Maine musical icon, Dave Mallet, on stage from behind.


The North Atlantic Blues Festival in Rockland! Great music, good food and a fabulous atmosphere. The shot above is of Memphis Lightning—from Topsham, Maine—one of the outstanding bands on the big stage. The dad, Darren Thiboutot, Sr., is on the base and his son, Darren Jr., is a phenom on the lead guitar—and a real entertainer.

In the News


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All the best, and stay healthy! 
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