Condemning Violence in Afghanistan 


This month saw the end of America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan. Over the last several weeks, we saw the challenges that come with extricating ourselves from a civil war halfway across the globe – from the uncertainty on the streets to the horrific, cowardly terrorist attack that killed 13 U.S. servicemembers and many more Afghans outside of the Kabul airport. The terrorists responsible for this heinous attack have already faced retaliation, and will continue to pay a price. After this tragedy, I continue to pray for the fallen, the injured, and their families.  

It also must be noted that, in the rush to judgment, many are ignoring the elephant in the room – many of these challenges were sooner or later inevitable, once the decision to leave was made. It wasn’t America’s job to stop the Taliban in Kandahar or plan the defense of Kabul with the few American troops then remaining in the country; that was the responsibility of the Afghan government and they didn’t do it. Our role in these final days was to take our people and our allies out – and, after the initial chaotic start, the U.S. government has executed that mission admirably. Powered by the bravery of our servicemembers, more than 120,000 people have been evacuated in what is, as near as I have been able to determine, the largest human airlift in history. This is a major logistic, diplomatic, bureaucratic and military accomplishment.   

There are certainly mistakes to be examined and questions to be answered – and, as a member of the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees, I intend to dig into those details. Layered complexity or waiting for more information doesn’t make for the most compelling television or analysis, but this doesn’t make it any less important that we search for it. One thing that is not in doubt is that U.S. troops, diplomats and coalition partners who served and sacrificed in Afghanistan over the last 20 years did so in pursuit of a noble cause: making us safer here at home. Read more of my thoughts in my op-ed for TIME.

My Office Stands Ready to Help

While America’s military presence in Afghanistan has ended, my team and I will continue to do everything possible to mobilize federal resources to support those in need. If you are or know a U.S. veteran struggling in light of these recent events, or know of an American or Afghan ally still on the ground in Afghanistan, please be in touch with my offices by phone or email; we’re still here, working however we can to support the servicemembers who sacrificed so much and bring our at-risk partners to safety. You can reach out at this page:

Historic Bipartisan Passage of Infrastructure Legislation 


I got this shot of a storm coming on from the west front of the U.S. Capitol during an all-night vote session that resulted in passage of the infrastructure bill

(via @anguskingmaine on Instagram) 

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is nothing short of historic. This bipartisan legislation is a long-overdue, much-needed investment in the shared pieces of American life that power our economy and our society. After intensive negotiations and lengthy bipartisan discussions, I am proud to say that we have crafted a bill that will bring immense benefits to the people of Maine and Americans across the country.

There are a lot of victories worth celebrating in this bill, but I believe that the legislation’s $65 billion for broadband infrastructure is far and away the most transformative provision. The coronavirus pandemic has shown the importance of an affordable, high-speed broadband connection for Americans trying to pursue an education, work remotely, access healthcare, or stay connected to loved ones. But for too long, rural communities and low-income people have been left behind and denied these opportunities. Just as rural electrification did in the 30s, these broadband investments will help connect every American to the infrastructure that powers modern life, and help ensure that communities across the nation are able to fully engage in the 21st century economy.

I’m particularly grateful that over $40 billion of these funds reflect my bipartisan BRIDGE Act, which allocates money directly to states so they can utilize the resources in the way that best suits local needs to close the digital divide– meaning Maine is likely to receive close to $300 million to improve connectivity through high-speed, future-proof broadband infrastructure, in addition to the more than $120 million already coming through the American Rescue Plan.

While the broadband provisions are the most transformational part of this bill – or of any bill I’ve ever voted on, for that matter – they are far from the only wins worth celebrating. The bill includes $110 billion in funding for roads, bridges, and major projects – including $40 billion for bridges, which will make a major difference in Maine, given that 58% of the state’s bridges are over 50 years old. There’s much, much more – including $55 billion to support clean drinking water and address PFAS contamination, $20 billion for airports of all sizes, allowing terminals from Portland to Presque Isle to access needed funds, and nearly $17 billion to strengthen the nation’s port infrastructure.


I was a key member of the bipartisan negotiations, which included an Oval Office meeting with President Biden in April 2021

Critically, this legislation also acts on what I view as America’s two biggest national security imperatives by confronting climate change and bolstering America’s cybersecurity. The legislation invests $65 billion in the nation’s grid and power systems to increase reliability and boost clean energy technologies, puts more than $47 billion into resiliency to address cybersecurity risks and the impacts of climate change, and strengthens federal agencies charged with defending America in cyberspace. The nation will be safer because of this bill.

It’s nearly impossible to capture just how monumental this legislation is, and the amount of good it will do for Maine people.

Read more HERE.


Recovery from COVID – Thanks to the Vaccine

As many of you know, earlier this month I tested positive for COVID-19. I’m feeling 100% now, but during the worst of my illness I sure didn’t feel great. Take the worst head cold you’ve ever had, and multiply it by two: sore throat, aching all over, coughing until my ribs hurt, and an off-and-on fever. It was no fun, but I’m confident it would have been a whole lot worse if I hadn’t received the vaccine. Without that shot, I truly think I would have ended up in the hospital – or worse.

As the Delta variant continues to spread and hospitalizations rise rapidly, it’s clear that a vaccine is the single most-effective tool to prevent illness (despite my own breakthrough case), keep COVID patients out of the hospital, and save lives. If you’re on the fence, I urge you to get a shot – for yourself, and for those around you. Find a vaccination site near you HERE – and please, be safe.

Read more about my post-COVID message for Maine people HERE

August Policy Update


As a reminder, you can read more on my regularly updated press release page at Here are some other priorities I’ve been working on:

  • Ensuring profitable corporations pay their fair share of taxes. I joined my colleagues to introduce bicameral legislation seeking to ensure America’s largest corporations pay their fair share in taxes, with dozens of big name, multi-million dollar corporations having paid zero federal taxes in recent years. Read more HERE.
  • Seeking debt relief for permanently disabled Americans. I signed a bipartisan, bicameral letter urging U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to swiftly discharge the outstanding student loans of more than 517,000 Americans with a total and permanent disability (TPD) – to look out for those who became disabled since their college careers, impeding their ability to fully earn a living. Read more HERE.
  • Protecting the American-grown flower industry. The American Grown Act requires the Executive Office of the President, the Department of Defense, and the Department of State to only procure cut flowers and cut greens grown in the United States. Read more HERE.
  • Cosponsored the Right to Vote Act. The Right to Vote Act protects American citizens’ fundamental right to vote. It establishes a first-ever statutory right to vote in federal elections — protecting U.S. citizens from laws that make it harder to cast a ballot. Read more HERE
  • Pushing to modernize working forests. I introduced bipartisan legislation to convene a federal advisory panel tasked with making recommendations to support data collection critical to the health of America’s forests. Read more HERE

In the News


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Due to the impacts of COVID-19, my staff in Washington, D.C. are working remotely – but we’re still at work, ready to help you navigate any challenges you’re facing during this challenging time. 

All the best, and stay healthy! 
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