Sen. Scott to be Chairman of Senate Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure, Member of Three More

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tim Scott will be the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure, as well as a member of the Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness, the Subcommittee on Healthcare and Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth.

Expected subcommittee membership for the Senate Finance committee in the 116th Congress was announced today, with subcommittee membership expected to be ratified during the next executive business meeting of the Senate Finance Committee. 
You can view the full list of Finance Committee subcommittee membership below. Subcommittee membership will be ratified during the next executive business meeting of the Senate Finance Committee. 

Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness

Republicans                                                                Democrats       

John Cornyn, TX, Chairman                                      Robert P. Casey, Jr., PA, Ranking Member

Mike Crapo, ID                                                           Ron Wyden, OR

Pat Roberts, KS                                                           Debbie Stabenow, MI

John Thune, SD                                                          Maria Cantwell, WA

Johnny Isakson, GA                                                    Robert Menendez, NJ

Rob Portman, OH                                                       Benjamin L. Cardin, MD

Patrick J. Toomey, PA                                                Sherrod Brown, OH

Tim Scott, SC                                                             Mark Warner, VA

Bill Cassidy, LA                                                         Catherine Cortez Masto, NV

Steve Daines, MT

Todd Young, IN


Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight

Republicans                                                                Democrats       

John Thune, SD, Chairman                                        Mark R. Warner, VA, Ranking Member

Mike Crapo, ID                                                           Robert Menendez, NJ 

Michael B. Enzi, WY                                                 Thomas R. Carper, DE 

John Cornyn, TX                                                        Benjamin L. Cardin, MD

Richard Burr, NC                                                        Michael F. Bennet, CO       

Johnny Isakson, GA                                                    Sheldon Whitehouse, RI

Rob Portman, OH                                                       

Patrick J. Toomey, PA                                                


Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions and Family Policy

Republicans                                                                Democrats      

Rob Portman, OH, Chairman                                     Sherrod Brown, OH, Ranking Member        

Chuck Grassley, IA                                                    Michael F. Bennet, CO

Bill Cassidy, LA                                                         Robert P. Casey, Jr., PA

James Lankford, OK                                                   Catherine Cortez Masto, NV

Todd Young, IN


Subcommittee on Health Care

Republicans                                                                Democrats      

Patrick J. Toomey, PA, Chairman                              Debbie Stabenow, MI, Ranking Member

Chuck Grassley, IA                                                    Maria Cantwell, WA

Pat Roberts, KS                                                           Robert Menendez, NJ

Michael B. Enzi, WY                                                 Thomas R. Carper, DE

John Thune, SD                                                          Benjamin L. Cardin, MD

Richard Burr, NC                                                        Sherrod Brown, OH

Johnny Isakson, GA                                                    Robert P. Casey, Jr., PA

Tim Scott, SC                                                             Mark R. Warner, VA

Bill Cassidy, LA                                                         Sheldon Whitehouse, RI

James Lankford, OK                                                   Maggie Hassan, NH

Steve Daines, MT                                                       Catherine Cortez Masto, NV

Todd Young, IN


Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure

Republicans                                                                Democrats      

Tim Scott, SC, Chairman                                           Michael F. Bennet, CO, Ranking Member

Chuck Grassley, IA                                                    Ron Wyden, OR

Mike Crapo, ID                                                           Maria Cantwell, WA 

Pat Roberts, KS                                                          Thomas R. Carper, DE

Michael B. Enzi, WY                                                 Sheldon Whitehouse, RI

John Cornyn, TX                                                        Maggie Hassan, NH 

Richard Burr, NC                                                        

Steve Daines, MT                                                                   


Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth

Republicans                                                                Democrats      

Bill Cassidy, LA, Chairman                                       Maggie Hassan, NH, Ranking Member

Tim Scott, SC                                                             Ron Wyden, OR

James Lankford, OK
