Celebrating National School Choice Week

Watch the recap video of my Orange Grove Charter School visit here.
Too many kids across America are locked into failing schools simply because they live in the “wrong” zipcode. However, educational freedom has empowered millions to go to a good school that fits their needs and realizes their boundless potential.
To kick off National School Choice Week, I visited Orange Grove Charter School in Charleston, South Carolina. It was a joy to see how its students are enjoying the benefits of school choice as they thrive in an environment that pushes them academically and prepares them to succeed in life.
Read more about my visit to Orange Grove Charter School here.
Welcoming School Choice Champions to the Capitol

Watch the school choice event video here.
As co-chair of the Congressional School Choice Caucus, I was honored to welcome over one hundred school choice champions to the United States Capitol, including students, parents and leaders of the educational freedom movement. Their fight to provide every kid with a choice has helped millions receive the chance to get a quality education. It was a joy to visit with these heroes and express my gratitude for all they have done to help every child live out their version of the American Dream.
Read more about their visit to the U.S. Capitol here.
Leading the School Choice Resolution
As co-chair of the Congressional School Choice Caucus, I was joined by co-chair Congressman John Moolenaar in leading a resolution designating January 21 through January 27, 2024, as National School Choice Week.
Growing up in a single-parent household, I was raised in poverty, going to four different schools by the 5th grade. It was only by the grace of God and my mama's faith that I broke out of the cycle of poverty. Not every kid is that lucky. That’s why I fight every day to make sure every kid in America has the opportunity to get a good education – we cannot leave their future to chance.
Read more about our National School Choice Week resolution here.
Helping South Carolina and America Navigate Flooding

Watch my full opening statement here.
During this week’s Senate Banking Committee hearing, I called for federal policies that allow for local, innovative solutions to flood preparedness and mitigation. I spent over two decades in the insurance business in South Carolina helping families rebuild and recover after their homes had flooded. My legislation, the Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act will help cities and towns across the state plan for and lower their risk of flooding, giving families the chance to recover without fear of losing their home once again. As the top Republican on the committee, I highlighted how this legislation encourages flood-prone communities to take preventative action and end the costly cycle of repeated flooding and rebuilding.
Read more about the Banking hearing here. |