On this Juneteenth, the day on which the last enslaved people learned they were free, we’re reflecting on the progress we’ve made as a country and all the work we still have ahead. In our homes, communities, and institutions, we can all do more to combat the systemic oppression and racism that has plagued our nation for centuries. Colorado took an important step in passing police reform legislation, and I’m committed to passing a similar bill at the federal level that I introduced with Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris.
This was a historic week in Washington—from landmark Supreme Court decisions on DACA and LGBTQ rights, to Senate passage of a critical bill to protect public lands. While nothing is easy, and we still face incredible challenges, I want to take the time to celebrate these wins and find hope for the bright future ahead.
Thank you for all the work you’re doing to fight for progress in Colorado.
Last weekend, I joined the Denver Juneteenth march from Manual High School through Five Points. Here I am at the march with Norman Harris, executive director of the Juneteenth Music Festival.

On Juneteenth, we are reminded that we must put an end to the systemic inequality perpetuated by our institutions in so many areas, including housing, health care, education, economic opportunity, and our criminal justice system.
True freedom and equality must start with building a country and a government that strives with every action to undo the legacy that the atrocities of slavery and racism have left.
In 2012, Dreamers came forward at the request of our government to seek legal protection from deportation. They put their faith in us to keep our word and protect them and their families. President Trump betrayed that trust and tainted the character of our nation.
On Thursday, the Supreme Court rebuked his betrayal, protecting nearly 750,000 young adults. This is a win for Dreamers, and an important step in the right direction. Now Congress must keep the government’s promise to Dreamers and pass the bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act to give DACA recipients a path to citizenship.

For as long as we've been a country, millions of Americans have had to hide who they were for fear of losing their job and their livelihood. Five years after the ruling on marriage equality, the Supreme Court took another historic step in America's long journey toward LGBTQ equality—affirming that gay and transgender Americans cannot be fired because of who they are or whom they love.
Yesterday, I went down to the Senate floor to call on my colleagues to take up the Equality Act to create comprehensive anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans. Although the Supreme Court’s decision banned discrimination in the workplace, the Equality Act would secure protections for LGBTQ Americans in housing, public accommodations, education, and other areas. We’ve done this work in Colorado, and we should do it nationally.
Watch my full speech here.

For over a decade, we’ve led the fight to protect public lands by fully funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). This week, we finally passed this legislation in the Senate.
Public lands are part of our legacy, our culture, and our history in Colorado. This win is the culmination of years of hard work by Coloradans – from county commissioners and local elected leaders to conservation groups, hunters and anglers, and outdoor recreation businesses. They have put in the work, year after year, calling on Congress to fully fund LWCF, invest in our public lands, and support our state’s economy. Their dedication and advocacy are why we succeeded.

Earlier this week, I welcomed an announcement that the Colorado Department of Transportation will receive a $60.7 million grant to make improvements to Vail Pass on I-70. In March, I sent a letter to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao requesting full consideration of CDOT’s application.
I-70 and Vail Pass in particular serve as an important gateway to outdoor recreation like hiking, biking, and skiing, and as a vital connector for trucks and freight movement. With the funds I helped secure, CDOT will be able to make important safety upgrades and reduce the number of closures on Vail Pass - great news for Eagle and Summit Counties, and all who travel on I-70 to access outdoor recreation and our mountain communities.
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