Hello everyone,
The viral video app TikTok has swept the United States and is now used by more than 100 million Americans who spend an average of 80 minutes a day on it — including many of our children.
Like most social media platforms, TikTok collects sophisticated data from its users. But unlike other platforms, it's owned by a Chinese company that is obligated by Chinese law to ‘support, assist, and cooperate with state intelligence work.’ That means TikTok could potentially put our data into the hands of those who want to disrupt our democracy and undermine our freedoms.

At least 27 state governments have passed some type of limit on TikTok, and this week, I urged the CEOs of Google and Apple to remove this dangerous platform from their app stores.
No company subject to Chinese Community Party dictates should have the power to accumulate so much data on the American people or to manipulate content that nearly a third of the United States population can see. We must protect Americans and our national security from this unacceptable threat.
P.S. This week, I also introduced a bill that would prohibit the sale of America’s strategic oil reserves to China — making sure that our country’s most valuable assets serve Americans and our allies, not the Chinese Communist Party.
Colorado is known around the world for its incredible mountains and for the many ski areas that contribute to our outdoor recreation economy. Many of these ski areas are located within our pristine National Forests, which face immense challenges, from increased use to climate change.
This week, I reintroduced my bipartisan SHRED Act to invest in Colorado’s National Forests by allowing them to retain a portion of the annual fees paid by ski areas within their boundaries. This bill is supported by Democrats, Republicans, local governments, and ski areas. There’s no reason we shouldn’t pass it right away.

Rural health clinics help Coloradans across the state access high quality, affordable health care that they can trust. But for more than three decades, red tape has weighed down providers’ ability to deliver this care and prevented clinics from improving and expanding their services.
Cutting burdensome regulation is a first step to modernizing our nation’s health care system. That’s why this week, I joined bipartisan colleagues in introducing a bill that will provide regulatory relief for rural clinics and help deliver care to those who need it, regardless of their zip code.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is our nation’s largest preserve of its kind — extending over 19 million acres and providing a safe home for polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, and more than 150 species of migratory birds.
Coloradans and Westerners understand the value of protecting our wildlands and waters, and it was a short-sighted mistake by the previous administration to open this refuge to drilling in 2017.
This week, I joined colleagues in reintroducing legislation that would restore critical protections for ANWR. Especially as temperatures in the arctic rise twice as fast as the global average, we must safeguard our public lands for future generations and provide more protection to sensitive landscapes and vital habitats, not less.
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