
May 6 – 10, 2024

In just over a decade, cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits will happen automatically—and the longer we wait to fix these programs, the worse it will get. This week, Senator Romney renewed calls for bipartisan action on the country’s wilting entitlement programs—including his legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal commission to tackle the burgeoning national debt before it’s too late. He also introduced bills to require federal employees to return to in-person work and to improve U.S. coordination with our allies in the wake of China’s increased aggression, and met with several groups from Utah to discuss important priorities for our state. Scroll down for more news.


The COVID-19 public health emergency formally ended nearly a year ago, yet most of our federal office buildings remain empty—wasting millions of taxpayer dollars every day. Americans deserve to have a federal workforce that is both present and productive. Senators Romney and Manchin (D-WV) introduced the Back to Work Act of 2024, bipartisan legislation to require employees of federal agencies to return to in-person work.


Full story by Lisa Riley Roche here.



The United States must link arms with its allies to effectively push back against increased Chinese aggression—especially as the Chinese Communist Party ramps up its military activities in the Indo-Pacific. Senators Romney, Kaine (D-VA), and Hagerty (R-TN), members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), and Senator Risch (R-ID), SFRC Ranking Member, introduced the Coordinating AUKUS Engagement with Japan Act, bipartisan legislation aimed to help determine how Japan—a close and capable ally—could bolster the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) partnership to strengthen our technological edge and counter China’s malign rise and aggression in the region.


Full story by David Brunnstrom here.


Senator Romney shared the following statement after it was projected that Social Security will become insolvent by 2035 and Medicare by 2036–according to reports published by the programs’ trustees:

“Washington’s inaction to save Social Security and Medicare from extinction is immoral. In just over a decade, cuts to these benefits will happen automatically—and the longer we wait to fix these programs, the worse it will get.

“So, when a politician tells you they “won’t touch benefits,” or accuses the other side of wanting to cut these programs—they’re not only putting politics above what’s best for Americans, but they’re being dishonest about the perilous situation current and future retirees find themselves in. We owe it to the country to restore solvency for these programs before it’s too late.”


Senator Romney continued calling on Congress to pass the Fiscal Stability Act—his legislation with Senator Manchin (D-WV) which would create a bipartisan, bicameral fiscal commission tasked with finding legislative solutions to stabilize and decrease our national debt. 


The U.S. should not lend credibility to an organization that actively promotes and rewards terrorism. Senator Romney joined 24 Senate colleagues in introducing the No Official Palestine Entry (NOPE) Act, legislation to update existing law to cut off U.S. taxpayer funding to the United Nations if it gives additional rights and privileges to the Palestinian Authority and the PLO.


Local community leaders, small businesses, and educators play an important role in Utah’s continued economic success. Senator Romney met with members of several Utah chambers of commerce to provide an update on his legislative efforts to address the current needs of our state and country.



Relationships are the greatest currency in life—even those we make with our classmates as youth. Senator Romney spoke with a group of 8th grade students from Utah outside the Capitol to talk about the importance of community and friendship.



For continued economic strength and quality of life, we need to make investments in our growing cities and infrastructure systems. Senator Romney met with Draper Mayor Troy Walker and City Manager David Dobbins for a discussion on the latest developments in the Point of the Mountain area.



Freedom—the great elixir for progress and innovation—is one of the greatest advantages America has over foreign adversaries like China and Russia. Senator Romney met with leaders Utah aerospace and defense companies for a discussion on Utah's role in innovation and job creation in the industry.



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