Dear Friend,

Lew Gaiter, Senator Gardner, and Vaughn Baker

My prayers are with the Gaiter family with the passing of Lew Gaiter. Lew was a man of integrity who served as Larmier County Commissioner for years while battling cancer. The impact he left on all of us will not be forgotten. His leadership and his devotion to both family and community will be missed. I will miss my dear friend. 

Bipartisan Opioid Package Passes Senate

The Senate recently passed the Opioid Crisis Response Act that works to reduce opioid use, expand treatment and recovery efforts, and support caregivers and families impacted by the opioid crisis. This legislation also drives innovation of non-opioid treatment and support substance abuse prevention efforts. My bill, the Alternatives to Opioids in the Emergency Department Act, was included in this package. My legislation creates a three year demonstration program that tests alternative pain management tools to reduce the amount of opioids being used in emergencies. 

Russian Interference in United Nations Report

I recently joined Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, in condemning Russian interference with a key UN Panel of Experts report concerning North Korea sanctions. I call for the release of the original report from the Panel, which implicated Russian entities in sanctions violation. We called on all nations, including Russia, to immediately comply with international sanctions against North Korea.

Learn more about this issue here.

Congressional Badge of Bravery

Last week, I had the privilege of presenting the Congressional Badge of Bravery to Detective Daniel Brite from the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. The Congressional Badge of Bravery is awarded to individuals who, without regard for their own safety, act extraordinarily to protect the lives of others. Detective Brite acted fearlessly on September 2nd, 2016, when he engaged an armed and highly dangerous man threatening himself and others. Despite being severely wounded, Detective Brite continued to fight back. It was an honor presenting this award to such a hero. 

Read more about his bravery here.

Read more about the Congressional Badge of Bravery here.

 Bipartisan Letter Regarding State Department Cybersecurity

I sent a letter last week with a bipartisan group of my colleagues to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, calling on the State Department to adopt basic cybersecurity measures that would protect against phishing, hacking, and other cyberattacks. I am concerned over the multiple reports that have highlighted the department's failure to adopt measures like multifactor authentication and regular security audits. American diplomacy needs to be protected from cyberattacks, which is why we've asked for a response to the letter by October 12th. 

Read the full letter here.

Meeting with Coloradans

I met with many Coloradans over the past week to discuss a variety of important issues, including celebrating the 100th client of the Cohen Clinic that serves veterans who have sacrificed so much, and meeting with county commissioners from the Western Slope. I also met with the African Leadership Group in Aurora, toured the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, and discussed enhancements in cybersecurity services at Coalfire.

Below are a few pictures from this week's meetings.

Need Help with a Federal Agency? 

My staff is available to assist you with finding out the status of a case and requesting additional information from a federal agency. I have offices in Denver, Durango, Pueblo, Grand Junction, Fort Collins, Greeley, Yuma, and Colorado Springs. Learn more about how we can help here

Thank you for taking the time to read my weekly update. If I can be of any assistance to you, please contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-5941.



Cory Gardner

United States Senator



