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I spoke with Nicole Presley of the Pella Chronicle and Brent Barnett of KMA Radio in Shenandoah about the Senate’s health care efforts, reimbursements for critical access hospitals, legislative priorities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and my annual 99 county meetings. 

Q&A: Fixing America's Tax System

Q. Are the stars aligned in Washington to enact comprehensive tax reform this year?
What are you working on to secure as Congress negotiates a tax relief package?

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I applaud final passage of the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act as part of the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act. This legislation, of which I’m the lead co-sponsor, will make certain types of hearing aids available over the counter to Americans with mild to moderate hearing impairment. The more products available, the more consumers will be able to find something they can afford that works for them. 

The Senate confirmed Christopher Wray to be the new FBI director. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I was proud to lead his nomination through the committeeMr. Wray now has one of the toughest jobs in government, but he has the right credentials, character and independence to succeed in leading our nation’s top law enforcement agency.

My bill to secure new protections for minors and improve accountability in the federal juvenile justice system unanimously passed the full Senate this week. I led the effort to enact these bipartisan reforms to ensure that young people who encounter the justice system are treated safely, fairly and in a manner that encourages greater respect for the law. 

Financial exploitation of seniors has been called the crime of the 21st century, and it could cost older Americans up to $36 billion a year. My bipartisan bill, called the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act, unanimously passed the Senate this week and will equip law enforcement, seniors and caregivers with additional tools so they can deter these crimes and hold perpetrators accountable.

The Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs released the results of its review of the circumstances of veteran Brandon Ketchum’s suicide and whether Ketchum received adequate mental health treatment at the Iowa City VA Health Care System. This case is a tragic example of why we must do better for our veterans. With an average of 20 veterans committing suicide a day, the VA must do everything in its power to extend help before it's too late. 

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